Search found 20 matches

by madcop
Thu Oct 05, 2006 11:40 am
Forum: FlyTampa-Seattle
Topic: KSEA broom
Replies: 3
Views: 4760

Hello George Looks like everything O.K. now. I do not know why but my vertex level has been changed from 21 to 19 in my cfg while the max vertel patch was installed.So I just had to correct my vertex level to 21 again in my Cfg. Now, why this change happened in my cfg , I do not really know ! Many t...
by madcop
Thu Oct 05, 2006 10:03 am
Forum: FlyTampa-Seattle
Topic: KSEA broom
Replies: 3
Views: 4760

You are right Georges , only when I fly in ,never when I depart.
I ll try the patch and let you know .
:evil: cop
by madcop
Wed Oct 04, 2006 5:47 pm
Forum: FlyTampa-Seattle
Topic: KSEA broom
Replies: 3
Views: 4760

KSEA broom

Hello there Can anybody help me with the following problem.(see pictures ) I had KSEA installed well before installing KPDX from Vauchez,and already had this problem. I am just running Pacific Northwest Megascenery; Flight and Ground Environment and UT Europe. Thanks to all of you who can help. Than...
by madcop
Mon Mar 06, 2006 1:08 pm
Forum: General Discussion
Topic: suggestion
Replies: 3
Views: 2868

Re: next aiport

Salut apres Vienne ca va etre surment EBBR ? J'aimerai bien que Toronto sois le prochain aeroport pour remplacer le Toronto de world airport (simflyers). merci CSTT :D Yes , c'est sure and ils won't surement not oublier the "fritkot" just vanachter ! :D Excuse my poor european language ma...
by madcop
Mon Mar 06, 2006 12:59 pm
Forum: General Discussion
Topic: Ground Environment by Flight1
Replies: 15
Views: 9845

Go and buy it ! I use it with Austria Pro 2004 , Megascenery , Fly Tampa, France VFR and Vauchez and others. GE2006 just replace the textures by default of FS9.So it won't interfere with add ons using their own textures. A good piece of advice given to me by Peter Wilding is to rerun GE2006 after ea...
by madcop
Fri Feb 24, 2006 8:21 pm
Forum: FlyTampa-Vienna
Topic: flickering and mipmaps
Replies: 13
Views: 11428

Hi all FT fans Just installed and tested the provided patch for the textures. It is a vast improvement, thanks a lot to Martin. ONE THING I HAVE TO POINT AT is Flickering still appears when looking from a far distance .Especially when looking at buildings with an angle . When you look at them with ...
by madcop
Mon Feb 20, 2006 7:39 pm
Forum: FlyTampa-Vienna
Topic: flickering and mipmaps
Replies: 13
Views: 11428

Hi all FT fans Just installed and tested the provided patch for the textures. It is a vast improvement, thanks a lot to Martin. ONE THING I HAVE TO POINT AT is Flickering still appears when looking from a far distance .Especially when looking at buildings with an angle . When you look at them with a...
by madcop
Mon Feb 20, 2006 12:16 pm
Forum: FlyTampa-Vienna
Topic: flickering and mipmaps
Replies: 13
Views: 11428

Hi André I think you'right, we'd better not take the risk to hurt Martin,he really doesn't deserve such a treatment, but if your tip is O.K it should be a shame not to share it with other FLY TAMPA users who suffer with the same flickering illness as us ! Perhaps you could send me your explanation o...
by madcop
Mon Feb 20, 2006 6:08 am
Forum: FlyTampa-Vienna
Topic: flickering and mipmaps
Replies: 13
Views: 11428

Hello André. I have exactly the same problem as you have and already posted threats here. Martin helped me but the problem still there , VIENNA, SEATTLE , and others marvellous airports from FLY TAMPA are still flickering. I also noticed that flickering appears on the buildings and fingers and on so...
by madcop
Tue Feb 07, 2006 6:34 pm
Forum: General Discussion
Topic: Next Scenery
Replies: 210
Views: 349505

Hello George and Martin ... Living in Brussels I SURELY will add Vienna to my buy list ! Looks gorgeous from the screensshots. Can you tell me wether if it will be compatible with AUSTRIA PROFESSIONAL 2004 ? The FLICKERING problems I met with KSEA and others ... Solved ? (mipmaps ,please...) A fidel...
by madcop
Mon Jan 30, 2006 7:52 pm
Forum: General Discussion
Topic: Boston Logan v2
Replies: 14
Views: 8415

Your mips are set to 8!!. It's gotta be that causing the problems. Ok George I set my mips at 4, 5 and 6 with no difference. I reset my Seattle aereal picture under megascenery in the library... ( Seattle has a bigger number than Megascenery )with no difference as long as flickering is concerned,bu...
by madcop
Mon Jan 30, 2006 1:17 pm
Forum: General Discussion
Topic: Boston Logan v2
Replies: 14
Views: 8415

Because of the low incidence angle ground textures are viewed at, I can't allow mipped versions to get into circulation because I'd have complaints about blurring. You'll have to provide me with a 'small' video. I suspect you have a system or setup problem because with the AA & AF settings you ...
by madcop
Sun Jan 29, 2006 9:07 am
Forum: General Discussion
Topic: Boston Logan v2
Replies: 14
Views: 8415

I'll try, but it'll be vvery hard for me because I have no idea what they have done. Hi Georges .. I know maybe it's the wrong place ...but about flickering Could you send me another set of mipmapped textures for KSEA. Our first experience seemed full of promises and I still do not know wether you ...
by madcop
Sun Jan 29, 2006 9:02 am
Forum: General Discussion
Topic: So, what is going on now guys?
Replies: 85
Views: 63490

george[flytampa] wrote:You guys are bad at this. No luck sofar.
I'm quitting this game now before you narrow it down & spoil the surprise :)

Hey, could that be Vancouver Int. for the recently issued Scenery ? :wink: