Hello FlyTampateam
At first, very stunning pics, i wouldn't have thought that flytampa is working on LOWW....
But as i live in vienna and i am also a local spotter, one big inconsistency appeared to me... The old tower building... On the real airport it was deconstructed in the last couple of weeks
This picture was taken by me on december 2nd, the towerpulpit was already taken down...
This picture was taken 2 days ago (sunday) by me, as you can see, not only one piece left of the old (by my personal meaning very beautiful) tower building
One other inconsistency is that parking garage #3 was heightened from 5 floors to 8 floors in summer 2005... but that fact doesn't really matter for most of the flightsimmers *gg*
And because of our construction site for the new terminal komplex skylink (completed 2008), loww looks different every 2 weeks... but you can't change that... status quo of apron east (2 days ago):
But anyway, i am very impressed from this first screenshots, and will surely buy the scenery on release day
Here are some more real pics from vienna, to checkout the details implemented:
Greetings from Vienna
Joseph, awaiting the release