martin[flytampa] wrote:I'm looking if its possible to write a small batch file for imaginetool to do this automatically without having to re-download all the textures. Hang on.
Martin just write a nice one a long time ago usefull too with ai"
ECHO off
ECHO Convert texture to different formats for all aircraft in this DXT1 folder
ECHO ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
ECHO It will convert ALL standard *_t bmp texture files found inside this folder.
ECHO Feel free to edit this batch file for use with other purpose.
ECHO Note - DXT3 and DXT1 is a compression format - some quality is traded for a
ECHO more efficient texture file.
ECHO Most textures convert very well, but some can become a bit blotchy or grainy.
ECHO Colours and shades can often be slightly altered in DXT3.
ECHO Once converted, top quality can't be regained by converting back to 32-bit.
ECHO Mip maps are lower resolution copies of the original texture. Some grapics
ECHO cards don't work well with them and some don't work well without them!
ECHO ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
ECHO !!!!important make a backup copy of you aircraft folders!!!!
ECHO ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
ECHO Conversion to DXT1 format choose first option 2 this will
ECHO preserve colors and no degration between DXT3 or DXT1.
ECHO 1. Quit without converting anything
ECHO 2. Convert *_t BMP textures to 565 (No Mip Maps)
ECHO 3. Convert *_t BMP textures to DXT1
ECHO 4. Convert *_t BMP textures to DXT1 (No Mip Maps)
ECHO 5. Convert *_t BMP textures to DXT3
ECHO 6. Convert *_t BMP textures to DXT3 (No Mip Maps)
ECHO 7. Convert all textures to DXT3
ECHO 8. Convert all textures to DXT3 (No Mip Maps)
set choice=
set /p choice=Enter option 1 to 10 :
if not '%choice%'=='' set choice=%choice:~0,1%
if '%choice%'=='2' goto 565NM
if '%choice%'=='3' goto DXT1M
if '%choice%'=='4' goto DXT1NM
if '%choice%'=='5' goto DXT3M
if '%choice%'=='6' goto DXT3NM
if '%choice%'=='7' goto DXT3ALLM
if '%choice%'=='8' goto DXT3ALLNM
goto end
imagetool.exe -r -batch -nomip -565 *_t.bmp
goto end
imagetool.exe -r -batch -DXT1 -detail -e bmp *_t.bmp
goto end
imagetool.exe -r -batch -DXT1 -detail -nomip -e bmp _t.bmp
goto end
imagetool.exe -r -batch -DXT3 -detail -e bmp *_t.bmp
goto end
imagetool.exe -r -batch -DXT3 -detail -nomip -e bmp *_t.bmp
goto end
imagetool.exe -r -batch -DXT3 -detail -e bmp *.bmp
goto end
imagetool.exe -r -batch -DXT3 -detail -nomip -e bmp *.bmp
goto end
rem Run 'IMAGETOOL -?' to get a full list of the parameter options available
goto end
where *.bmp is could be specified which textures exactly