I quit simming a little more than a year ago. The reason why I quit was, that I had so many crashes of my sim, especially after increasing the sim speed enroute. I gave up after tweaking and thinking my self to bits. Finally it was too big a disapointment for me to fly in FS to keep me going. I have...
Amazing shots! Finally something new from flytampa, and need I say it? It looks amazing! People in the shots look very good, the atmosphere is right, good job! Are you planning on moving along with projects for FS9? Or are you planning on producing products that will have a dual compatibility, like ...
Would it be possible to amend the FSX.cfg file, and then just install into FSX? Or will the sceneries need aditional updates? Not quite that easy. In the meantime it turns out this setting is a leftover "debug variable" that Aces left in the RTM unintentionally. Not really something 3rd p...
FS's PDX is awesome, been flying it non stop, however, FT's Vienna got me really addicted for some reason. I never used to fly overseas until I got Vienna. You guys need to get that one if you dont' have it already. 8) Vienna does have some sort of life to it I agree, it is amazing what can (could)...
I just want to amen what so many have said over the years. I remember Flytampa dropping into our lives when Simflyers was basically all that there was :wink: We have seen OSS (how are you doing btw?) and flightscenery and flytampa continously pushing the envelope. As I see it flytampa inspired many ...
Be wary if you install FSX and later decide to uninstall it- I've spent all morning chasing down a CTD in FS9 when loading a flight- only to find it was my 50N 737 classic package causing it- sort of. It seems the registry entries for FS9 got messed with by the FSX uninstaller and are causing some ...
I have just tried the 2nd demo, and although there is some substantial performance hit, I do think it looks really good. I can just imagine what this sim will look like, once people start tweaking. I know my FS9 looks nothing like the default one from water to clouds, to ground textures... I see no...
I have just tried the 2nd demo, and although there is some substantial performance hit, I do think it looks really good. I can just imagine what this sim will look like, once people start tweaking. I know my FS9 looks nothing like the default one from water to clouds, to ground textures... I see not...
Yup. My opinion changed the more I played with it. I like FSX. I don't like how much Microsoft depends on us to upgrade to run it which I think is BS. How many other game developers do this? I think it's just their way of pushing their new processors. The Core 2 Duo is selling like crazy because ev...