Seen the FSX commercial?

Posts: 319

Post by Jacek » Tue Oct 17, 2006 10:01 am

windshear wrote:and now everyone refuse to let go of their FS9 :)
I'm waiting, even though I'm tempted as hell to bust out the credit card and upgrade my machine, I'll wait until the Vista is out.
Posts: 2121

Post by skydvdan » Tue Oct 17, 2006 10:14 am

windshear wrote:I have just tried the 2nd demo, and although there is some substantial performance hit, I do think it looks really good.

I can just imagine what this sim will look like, once people start tweaking. I know my FS9 looks nothing like the default one from water to clouds, to ground textures... I see nothing in my FS9 which is "out of the box".

So to see the great looking "out of the box scenery" in FSX, indicate some great addons/tweaks in the future.
I have not seen anything outside ST. Marteen though so I cannot speak about that, but the potentials are there. So I am sorry many of you are so disapointed, but I remember people reacting the exact same way to FS9, and now everyone refuse to let go of their FS9 :)

But....I don't remember the overall response being as bad as it has been for FSX. Overall FS9 wasn't that different from FS8. The backward compatibility seemed alot better as well. But hey, overall I like FSX. The performance is my biggest issue.
Posts: 157

Post by windshear » Tue Oct 17, 2006 10:54 am

skydvdan wrote:
windshear wrote:I have just tried the 2nd demo, and although there is some substantial performance hit, I do think it looks really good.

I can just imagine what this sim will look like, once people start tweaking. I know my FS9 looks nothing like the default one from water to clouds, to ground textures... I see nothing in my FS9 which is "out of the box".

So to see the great looking "out of the box scenery" in FSX, indicate some great addons/tweaks in the future.
I have not seen anything outside ST. Marteen though so I cannot speak about that, but the potentials are there. So I am sorry many of you are so disapointed, but I remember people reacting the exact same way to FS9, and now everyone refuse to let go of their FS9 :)

But....I don't remember the overall response being as bad as it has been for FSX. Overall FS9 wasn't that different from FS8. The backward compatibility seemed alot better as well. But hey, overall I like FSX. The performance is my biggest issue.
You might be right. But isn't backward compatibility bound to be limited when creating a new version of the sim? Not pro enough to know, but I mean we cannot expect to get it all :)

Posts: 89

Post by dandude22 » Tue Oct 17, 2006 1:40 pm

skydvdan wrote: Wait maybe you're right and it does suck.....
Must be nice to have 3DS Max. :wink:
Well, that scenery doesn't look good.

If you look at that shot, take a look at the wonderful default tarmac textures and the (what I think are) default jetways.

Posts: 2121

Post by skydvdan » Tue Oct 17, 2006 1:45 pm

Oh stop it (not really). Save the real bashing for when it's released. I did notice that by the way. Their excuse is that if they didn't use default textures then you wouldn't get the rain effect on them. :?
They have an excuse....I mean answer for everything. :P
Posts: 305

Post by MD11Forever » Tue Oct 17, 2006 8:43 pm

Bought it. Installed it. Took a flight. Uninstalled it. Waiting for patch/tweaks.
Its pretty sad, really. :-(
Posts: 2121

Post by skydvdan » Tue Oct 17, 2006 11:03 pm

MD11Forever wrote:Bought it. Installed it. Took a flight. Uninstalled it. Waiting for patch/tweaks.
Its pretty sad, really. :-(
There are already some tweaks. What are your system specs?
Posts: 305

Post by MD11Forever » Wed Oct 18, 2006 6:37 am

I looked at the tweaks already, but didn't want to start wholesale texture replacement just yet. Probably in another few weeks to a month there will be a slew of new ones to try. Patience pays off big dividends sometimes. 8)
Specs are: P4 3.4ghz, 2GB Corsair DDR2 RAM, Nvidia 7900GTO/512mb. System should be sufficient to get decent performance out of FSX, but I don't want to set all my sliders to minimums, sacrificing all the goodies. I can run FS9 with everything maxed out and get very good performance with all kinds of add-ons and 100% AI traffic. See this thread for how it looks. ... ?TID=18912
Posts: 181

Post by aarskringspier » Wed Oct 18, 2006 9:37 am

Yeah cloud9 kinda supirsed me with the answers about MCO. I like em they have some nice products but my lord the excuses as to why you use default textures were insane.
Posts: 305

Post by MD11Forever » Wed Oct 18, 2006 9:44 am

Be wary if you install FSX and later decide to uninstall it- I've spent all morning chasing down a CTD in FS9 when loading a flight- only to find it was my 50N 737 classic package causing it- sort of. It seems the registry entries for FS9 got messed with by the FSX uninstaller and are causing some people issues with addons. So far I have only had the one problem...hopefully more surprises do NOT await me.
Posts: 409

Post by gunsontheroof » Wed Oct 18, 2006 6:40 pm

MD11Forever wrote:Be wary if you install FSX and later decide to uninstall it- I've spent all morning chasing down a CTD in FS9 when loading a flight- only to find it was my 50N 737 classic package causing it- sort of. It seems the registry entries for FS9 got messed with by the FSX uninstaller and are causing some people issues with addons. So far I have only had the one problem...hopefully more surprises do NOT await me.
I thought the 50N 737 package was crashing FS9 for me too earlier this week, but now I'm pretty sure it was Cloud9's AMS scenery...wouldn't be the first time. :x
Posts: 157

Post by windshear » Thu Oct 19, 2006 1:59 pm

MD11Forever wrote:Be wary if you install FSX and later decide to uninstall it- I've spent all morning chasing down a CTD in FS9 when loading a flight- only to find it was my 50N 737 classic package causing it- sort of. It seems the registry entries for FS9 got messed with by the FSX uninstaller and are causing some people issues with addons. So far I have only had the one problem...hopefully more surprises do NOT await me.
I reinstalled my FSX demo and then had FS9 regestry errors... AFCAD fixed them for me though :D

But I think that it is a irritating, to put it mildly... What CTD did you have?

Posts: 305

Post by MD11Forever » Thu Oct 19, 2006 8:50 pm

windshear wrote: I reinstalled my FSX demo and then had FS9 regestry errors... AFCAD fixed them for me though :D

But I think that it is a irritating, to put it mildly... What CTD did you have?

When I would load a flight with the 50n 733 it would dump me right to desktop when I hit "fly now". This was after I had the registry issue and got it fixed by AFCAD, same as you. :wink: 8)
Posts: 319

Post by Jacek » Fri Oct 20, 2006 9:14 am

I've been reading the most popular FS forums and I'm all confused about anything FSX related and no, I didn't smoke any excessive amount of doobies in the past. :twisted: Seems that there's pretty much no positive feedback about FSX yet, but I'm sure it's way too early to come up with anything positive.

Can anyone tell me if there are overcast skies in FSX? We all know how FS9 looked with the patches of ground we could see flying over some heavy storms etc.
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