George and Martin

Posts: 181

George and Martin

Post by aarskringspier » Fri Oct 20, 2006 9:13 am

I don't usually do this; hell I dont think I ever have before so here it goes.

To me repeat business is usally the best thank you I can come up with. I figure if your product and your service is good enough for me to come back one, two or more times to spend the money I work hard for then youre doing something right. Every so often you come across something that makes life a little more interesting and FlyTampa has definitley done that for my hobby of Flight Simulation. KTPA was my very first scenery add on I bought to go with my PMDG 737 which was my very first payware addon to go with my shiny new very first version of flight sim just two years ago. Truthfuly had either of them sucked I would probably have moved onto something else however they both served to get me hooked and spend much more money then my wife thought I should.

One of the best things about FS was the community; just two years ago it seemed like everyone had a common goal which was to help each other get the most out of their FS experience. Now it seems to have collapsed into the same crap I would expect to read on a EA board. It really is sad to see the responses about Martins post on AVSIM towards people whove always been there to enhance our hobby.

So thanks; thanks for the great screenshots, the great flights, the oooooos and awweeees when loading up MDW or SEA for the first time. The slap the leg how the hell did you do that response when seeing something new on appraoch. I dont know what the future of FS holds for me or you guys or anyone else but I do know that Ive got some great memories and some great flight still left in FS9 thanks to you, Vauchez and all the others that gave your spare time to flush out this great hobby.
Last edited by aarskringspier on Fri Oct 20, 2006 9:21 am, edited 1 time in total.
Posts: 319

Post by Jacek » Fri Oct 20, 2006 9:17 am

I've got nothing to add, as it's not necessary. Thanks guys.
Posts: 126

Post by Dillon » Fri Oct 20, 2006 5:12 pm

I was disturbed by the responses on Avsim as well. Total lack of appreciation... I just hope if nothing else FlyTampa will continue to release airports for FS9. That will send a clear message more than anything to Microsoft. Once people get sick of seeing scenery designer’s work on the old FS9 platform it's going to reach critical mass. There will be an outcry to get these airports in FSX.

Bottom line is for Flytampa, FlightZone, and OSS to keep up the good work and stay in the game. OSS release that Kansas City Intl for FS9 like you promised. There are plenty of people still using FS9 and will continue to do so well into the future. You guys are appreciated and we'll continue to support you. I have no doubt with enough pressure Aces will resolve this issue. You guys just have to make it a point to 'Show' what can be done in FS9 should be able to get done in FSX (and always explain why it currently can't). In this case the 'Show' part will go along way believe me...
Last edited by Dillon on Fri Oct 20, 2006 5:43 pm, edited 3 times in total.
Posts: 59

Post by OSS-J.Nielsen » Fri Oct 20, 2006 5:17 pm

Dillon, thanks for the kind words. :)

Bob, good to see you're still lumbering around also :P
Posts: 24

Post by NWarty » Fri Oct 20, 2006 5:22 pm

To George and Martin,

Guys, all I can say is thank you for the last year with your sceneries. Living in the PNW and knowing KSEA all too well has made this addon and FS9 experience incredible.

I too will be sticking with FS9 for a long time to come. I think I'm probably in the majority out there that can't/won't buy a monster dual core rig to get FSX to run properly. After sitting on the sidelines watching the whole thing go down on avsim, I've made up my mind just to stick with FS9 and its add-on laidened glory. Maybe in a couple of years or so, I'll revisit FSX.

Have you both considered sticking with FS9 a little longer? I know as a fan and customer, I'd pounce on another FT scenery for FS9. Godforbid, we need a new KATL :wink: I could have sworn I was looking at FS2002 screenshots when I saw Hartsfield in the beta shots. :-( But hey, we can always dream.

Again guys, thanks for keeping us updated. The work that you, Vauchez, Jeff, Bob, Arno and cloud9 have done to date is incredible.

Olympia, WA
Posts: 59

Post by OSS-J.Nielsen » Fri Oct 20, 2006 5:52 pm

Thanks again for the kind words, but for us, the credit goes to our developers and friends we've met along the way here also that are doing the grunt work, not me. :)
Posts: 89

Post by dandude22 » Fri Oct 20, 2006 6:42 pm

Would someone mind linking to this AVSIM thread.

Posts: 305

Post by MD11Forever » Fri Oct 20, 2006 9:18 pm

dandude22 wrote:Would someone mind linking to this AVSIM thread.

Try this, Dan, I think it'll work. Personally I'm stepping out of the debate on the AVSIM forums. Its pretty ridiculous if you ask me. ... 489&page=3
Posts: 89

Post by dandude22 » Sat Oct 21, 2006 7:52 am

MD11Forever wrote:
dandude22 wrote:Would someone mind linking to this AVSIM thread.

Try this, Dan, I think it'll work. Personally I'm stepping out of the debate on the AVSIM forums. Its pretty ridiculous if you ask me. ... 489&page=3
I'll put 'em in line. :P
Posts: 1612

Post by paavo » Sat Oct 21, 2006 10:15 am

MD11Forever wrote:
dandude22 wrote:Would someone mind linking to this AVSIM thread.

Try this, Dan, I think it'll work. Personally I'm stepping out of the debate on the AVSIM forums. Its pretty ridiculous if you ask me. ... 489&page=3
Typical avsim retards, they just don't get it.
Posts: 220

Post by altstiff » Sat Oct 21, 2006 3:06 pm

Yup, between PMDG, Fly Tampa, Ultimate Terrain, GE Pro and Vauchez FS9 has been a wonderful and amazing thing.

I have FSX but it sits there eating up HD space as I am still flying FS9. Why is that?
Posts: 1612

Post by paavo » Sat Oct 21, 2006 3:29 pm

altstiff wrote:Yup, between PMDG, Fly Tampa, Ultimate Terrain, GE Pro and Vauchez FS9 has been a wonderful and amazing thing.

I have FSX but it sits there eating up HD space as I am still flying FS9. Why is that?
Simple, circut city had the deluxe version for $48. avsim and pcaviator still don't have fsx to ship to the people that pre ordered. It looks like FSX is not made for us hardcore users, they are after a different market with this sim.
Posts: 305

Post by MD11Forever » Sat Oct 21, 2006 3:47 pm

paavo wrote:It looks like FSX is not made for us hardcore users, they are after a different market with this sim.
Yes, that has become pretty obvious as time goes on. Of course, anyone who voiced concerns about that prior to release (or even now) is simply branded a "whiner".
Well, I guess I'll be flying FS9 and having fun with it while all the FSX fans tweak everything in sight and still get 10FPS.
Posts: 8

Post by vegasflyboy2004 » Sun Oct 22, 2006 6:40 pm

MD11Forever wrote:
paavo wrote:It looks like FSX is not made for us hardcore users, they are after a different market with this sim.
Yes, that has become pretty obvious as time goes on. Of course, anyone who voiced concerns about that prior to release (or even now) is simply branded a "whiner".
Well, I guess I'll be flying FS9 and having fun with it while all the FSX fans tweak everything in sight and still get 10FPS.
Amen to that! After countless hours (and dollars!) adding scenery and AI traffic, I have FS9 running quite nicely on my mid-range pc. I tried the FSX demo and to make it look pretty was to watch a slideshow. I say, if it ain't broke, don't fix it!
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