Some issue with Montreal scenery in PD3 V4

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Posts: 5

Some issue with Montreal scenery in PD3 V4

Post by PierreNantel » Wed Jul 26, 2017 2:30 pm

I have some difficulty installing the Montreal scenery in Prepar3D ver 4. I have use the FlyTampa_Montreal_FSX_P3D_14 version and I also followed the instruction for the patch install. When I did the install I also received a error message during the Vistamare installation and it aborted. When I load the scenery in Prepard3d it is called ZYUL and not CYUL, is this normal? Also I do not have the choices to start at any gates, the only option are: active runway or Tower. If I choice active runway the plan starts in a parking lot for from the airport see attach picture.
Plane location in red
Plane location in red
flyTampa Montral.jpg (593.62 KiB) Viewed 4105 times
I also include a picture of my Scenery Library.
Library view
Library view
Scenery Library.jpg (175.46 KiB) Viewed 4105 times
Can you help?
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Posts: 3867

Re: Some issue with Montreal scenery in PD3 V4

Post by george[flytampa] » Wed Jul 26, 2017 3:23 pm

Ignore ZYUL. Its needed for the tunnels only.

Going by your shot, the patch hasn't been installed in the correct location. Make sure you copy the patch bgl files to Montreal\scenery & the dds files to Montreal\texture.
Posts: 5

Re: Some issue with Montreal scenery in PD3 V4

Post by PierreNantel » Thu Jul 27, 2017 2:02 pm

Thanks George I was actually loading the ZYUL scenery, I just try loading the CYUL one and it seem to work find. Is it normal that in Prepar3d when I pick the location CYUL, there is not mention of the Fly Tampa
Selecting the location CYUL
Selecting the location CYUL
Selecting Airport screen.png (69.87 KiB) Viewed 4083 times
But when viewing ZYUL you do see Montreal Tampa.
Viewing ZYUL in the table
Viewing ZYUL in the table
Slecting Zyul in Airport screen.jpg (138.18 KiB) Viewed 4083 times
Thanks for the support

Site Admin
Posts: 3867

Re: Some issue with Montreal scenery in PD3 V4

Post by george[flytampa] » Thu Jul 27, 2017 7:02 pm

looks normal. Hope you like it.
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