Next Scenery

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Posts: 9

Post by Olve » Fri Feb 10, 2006 7:42 am

Not joining this discussion.
I'll just ask if there'll be any more screenshots available soon?

Posts: 27

Post by nirvana » Fri Feb 10, 2006 10:25 am

you guys rock!! :D absolutely great work!

don't care about "who flies to vienna"...i never flew the KSEA but i DID buy it. and i will definitely buy LOWW...well...that's probably due to the fact that i'm austrian... :D

anyway, i can't wait for that one!

bye, peter
Posts: 8

Post by Excellence » Fri Feb 10, 2006 11:04 am

There are more pics to see when using this link. Just scroll to the bottom and you will see..... ... genumber=3

have fun
Posts: 2121

Post by skydvdan » Fri Feb 10, 2006 11:17 am

gianni wrote:Hi dan,

Please cool down. I followed your suggestion and therefore I have re-read the thread once again. Let me plaese clarify that it was not my intention to allege you saying "who the hell is flying to vienna?" This silly question certainly was not posted by you. And I cannot find in my reply that I would have done this. But if you really felt attacked I have to bow my head in contriteness. And I do apologize for any inconvenience.

But I am old enough and hopefully I have the capacity to understand the content of the discussion.

As I am no english-native speaker I do not know whether or not appellations like "brown-noser" or "yes-man" are very polite and charming perceptions. Same for "...But if you want to continue to live in happyland and think that there aren't designers just as talented as Martin and George then please, go ahead. The only person you're cheating is yourself...". Please decide for your own. But anyway - let's cool down and don't let us argue about spoiled milk. :)

However - I do hope that you can agree in the following: it is useless to discuss about buzzwords like "quality" as there are so many features that every person subsumes. In addition to this those features individually are weighted by different users.

Somewhere I have heard about a guy who mainly was interested in a very detailled design of the airport sourroundings. In fact this guy did not use Flight Simulator to fly ever - he was not interested in flying itself. The reason for this was that due to some illness he was not able to travel to the places that he was interested in. So he somehow "abused" the sceneries to get a certain feelling of the places he never would be able to visit. So what about if this guy would have been asked for his definition of "quality"?

I am really convinced that at the end of the day any discussion will lead to the statement "love it or leave it".

So finally both the design-business (freeware AND payware) and the pilots-community will benefit for the ongoing development. From time to time one designer will be ahead.

So let's look forward for the comming release of the scenery. I personally can't wait.

BTW: I am a little bit designing too - maybe not good enough to pat on the back - as you said.

over and out

As windshear said, there is no need to "bow your head." Now you raise very good points. I hope to see you over the skies of Vienna. :wink:
Posts: 7

Post by gianni » Fri Feb 10, 2006 11:55 am

Hi dan,

we will meet for sure! Looking forward.

gianni :D
Posts: 22

Post by giladhu » Fri Feb 10, 2006 1:20 pm

Windshear (boaz) always ruins the discussio with his biast opinion...

This is not the only forum he's been contaminating
Bodo Mueller
Posts: 74

Post by Bodo Mueller » Fri Feb 10, 2006 2:00 pm

giladhu wrote:Windshear (boaz) always ruins the discussio with his biast opinion...

This is not the only forum he's been contaminating
What is wrong at 'Boaz' opinions? What did he ruin? Is it beacuse not everybody is yelling YIPPEE about Vienna?

I think we live in a democracy world where everybody can tell their opinion without being bashed by others.

BTW: Even FT sceneries were worlds best, there is no reason to buy anything they produce....
Posts: 1612

Post by paavo » Fri Feb 10, 2006 3:00 pm

giladhu wrote:Windshear (boaz) always ruins the discussio with his biast opinion...

This is not the only forum he's been contaminating
WTF ?????
Site Admin
Posts: 3867

Post by george[flytampa] » Fri Feb 10, 2006 6:08 pm

One thing you guys may not realize is that we cannot choose airports simply based on what is ‘popular’ or even what 'we' want to make. Airport selection is usually based on if it is technically possible & there has to be an abundance of visual reference.

I've just got home from a realworld IFR flight from KORL-KPIE. I flew over two major international airports during this flight. MCO & TPA.
MCO is really gigantic, I had a good gawk down at it from 2500; to make MCO the Fly Tampa way, including custom hand drawn ground textures & taxiways etc, not only would be insane amounts of hard work but also require extremely large amounts of texture. We could compromise by reducing the texture sizes or titling simple grass textures like most other designers. But for me, this isn't good enough from an art perspective.
TPA on the other hand is perfect. It’s smaller, beautiful & dripping with character.

Maybe I'm a little biased. I find large airports like MEM & ATL(just examples), extremely dull. But then again, I probably won't be working on an airport I personally care for, so no one is ruling out MEM or ATL.

Under FSX the texture bandwidth & loading will hopefully improve & all the bulls**t above will become irrelevant.
Posts: 36

Think big, not small!

Post by tors » Fri Feb 10, 2006 9:06 pm

To them who are suprised that FlyTampa makes airport outside of US. Luckily, US are not the hole world, it is rather a small piece of it. I live in Iceland, probebly most of your people have´nt heard about that country. But I´m joing bying airports in US, speacally airports from FlyTampa. I like flying all around the world. I was one of the first one to by FlyTampa product, Dubai airport. For me, Dubai is a airport on the moon. But I love to fly there, even though I have no contact to the United arabian contries. So, to those Us people who are suprised of FlyTampa decision of making Loww airport, think big, not small. Think about the hole world, not just only US. There is also a plenty of live outside US.

Þórður Sigurjónsson
Last edited by tors on Fri Feb 10, 2006 9:33 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Posts: 119

Post by harpsi » Fri Feb 10, 2006 9:30 pm

to make MCO the Fly Tampa way, including custom hand drawn ground textures & taxiways etc, not only would be insane amounts of hard work but also require extremely large amounts of texture. We could compromise by reducing the texture sizes or titling simple grass textures like most other designers. But for me, this isn't good enough from an art perspective.
TPA on the other hand is perfect. It’s smaller, beautiful & dripping with character.
Why don´t you make my home town airport which is Lisbon?
1. It is smaller than Tampa
2. It has very nice approaches
3. There is enough photo material, I believe and I can find ortogonal charts if needed
4. It has never been done by any payware company

Posts: 73

Post by Longbow » Fri Feb 10, 2006 9:48 pm

I think a good way to figure out wether or not FT will do an airport is to see if it has a high quality satellite photo available for it. (preferably from the msn terraserver as those images can be saved as seperate high quality jpegs and later used for textures) and its size. But either way FT could do any airport they want so anything you or I can say will not help much in what they choose.
Posts: 86

Re: Next Scenery

Post by tjsynkral » Fri Feb 10, 2006 11:00 pm

martin[flytampa] wrote: Within a week if all goes well.
Martin, I think you will regret giving a semi-hard date on this. :wink:

All never goes well, and in a few days you'll start getting the "is it out yet?" "when is it coming out?" "why hasn't it come out yet?"
Posts: 73

Re: Next Scenery

Post by Longbow » Sat Feb 11, 2006 12:25 am

tjsynkral wrote:
martin[flytampa] wrote: Within a week if all goes well.
Martin, I think you will regret giving a semi-hard date on this. :wink:

All never goes well, and in a few days you'll start getting the "is it out yet?" "when is it coming out?" "why hasn't it come out yet?"
unless he releases it within a week. :P
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