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Posts: 1612

Post by paavo » Wed Feb 08, 2006 1:50 pm

Waaaaaaaaaaa They didn't make the airport I wanted Waaaaaaaaaaaaaa
There are plenty of us that like this choice, and Flytampa's quality and fps are second to none, Vauchez is the only one in the same league.
FlyTampa does airports they want to do, and they don't take requests, why is this so hard for people to understand ?
Posts: 7

Post by Patrick » Wed Feb 08, 2006 2:05 pm


WoW :D :D

Thank you very much for the Vienna Airport :-)
Do you do a update the airport in the Future to the New style? ... ode=active

best regards from Vienna,
Posts: 2

Post by baksteen33 » Wed Feb 08, 2006 2:15 pm

>>The best guess is always to think what you *don't* expect me to release<<

LOL, I guess you'll neeever, neeever eeeever going to release Kai Tak..! :-)

I'm really impressed with your work, George and Martin, chapaeu. Some of the shots are so close to reality it's almost scary. :-)

Kind regards

Posts: 1

Post by EDFF/Patrick » Wed Feb 08, 2006 2:35 pm

Perfect Scenery!
As always, a must-have for all flightsimmer!
Alexander Arlow
Posts: 12

Post by Alexander Arlow » Wed Feb 08, 2006 2:36 pm

oh my god, martin, you can not even imagine how happy you made me!

thank you, thank you, thank you!!

do you remember that thread?
viewtopic.php?t=291&postdays=0&postorde ... l&start=75

may i ask why you did LOWW after such a devastating result for LOWW? ;)

kind regards,
Charles D
Posts: 38

Post by Charles D » Wed Feb 08, 2006 2:51 pm

Martin, the screenshots look wonderful. May I ask, how long does it typically take to create such a scenery from the initial decision to make it? 4 months? Or does this time differ for each airport?
Posts: 3

Post by dieterle » Wed Feb 08, 2006 2:59 pm

hi flytampa team,

i think you made a good choice with vienna as first european airport. i never read before about your intentions so latency will not be too long for releasing. i count every day down. price does no matter because i know that your sceneries are worth every cent.

i think you have in the meantime a huge community which will buy unseen every scenery from you even if you would design "kimbuktu" :D . nobody else is fit to hold a candle to you in desingning big airports. who besides you can reconcile so much details with very dense ambience and friendly frames. nobody :wink: . Just you.

example: if i compare the asphalt structure of the photo loww3.jpg from joseph with the screenshot 6.jpg i cannot see a difference. what a little thing. but for me important and great and ambience and pleasure when i taxi. :) . could it be more real??

@John: austria is a small country in europe but an insider tip for pilots who master their aircrafts. there you find the alpes like rocky mountains in usa. you can fly e. g. from vienna (LOWW) to innsbruck (LOWI). this is a dangerous airport within the alpes with nice approaches through the inn-valley. come simetimes to austria and love it. :) .

best regards
Posts: 2

Post by FSQA » Wed Feb 08, 2006 3:09 pm

Some things worth mentioning:

- flytampa is actually the best scenery design on this planet, that's a fact.
-> the only things comparable are German Airports, OSS and maybe simwings, but Flytampa is the best concerning quality, detail and performance (thats a fact, sorry)

- no, there are definitely NO LOWW sceneries available at this high level of detail.

some shortsighted people say "Vienna?" or "who the hell flies to vienna?"
-> counterquestion:
Who the hell flies to tampa? i guess some(!) people living in the big allmighty USA do not even know, what or where Vienna is, just a matter of education and standart of knowledge. So, as some people allready said, its a huge hub in Europe. By the way, for some who maybe do not know, Vienna is the capitol of Austria, the small little country with some montains.

Another question could be , why have they chosen LOWW (strange 4 letter code, no K*** in it, isnt it?) ? Some of you may ask theirselfs again, why they made Dubai, Tampa or Seattle!

Ok, maybe another argument. Are there some of you with a great AI amount? If you want to see an AN-124, you probably could find one there sometimes ;)
And last but not least, an airport which such a great detail for me is allways a reason to fly to new destinations.

btw. i only registered to take part in this discussion, i think it was necessary!


fs quality assurance team
Posts: 2121

Post by skydvdan » Wed Feb 08, 2006 3:14 pm

Alexander Arlow wrote:
may i ask why you did LOWW after such a devastating result for LOWW? ;)
I think you just cracked the code. :wink: If you want your airport done then don't mention it, don't vote for it, and don't request it. The results speak for themselves in that poll. 0% votes and I guarantee I'll still be buying this one. LOL!!
Posts: 2121

Post by skydvdan » Wed Feb 08, 2006 3:24 pm

FSQA wrote:Some things worth mentioning:

- flytampa is actually the best scenery design on this planet, that's a fact.
-> the only things comparable are German Airports, OSS and maybe simwings, but Flytampa is the best concerning quality, detail and performance (thats a fact, sorry)
A, subjective opinion...definately. There are others in the same league. Look around a bit. :wink:
And last but not least, an airport which such a great detail for me is allways a reason to fly to new destinations.
Absolutely!! That's what I really like about this destination. It gives me an excuse to get out and explore other countries. You nailed that one. :D
Posts: 3

Post by Kestrel » Wed Feb 08, 2006 3:56 pm

Posts: 409

Post by gunsontheroof » Wed Feb 08, 2006 4:50 pm

Whining about Martin or George's choice of airports isn't going to make them any more likely to consider doing any of the airports some of you make a point to suggest (demand might be a better word) on these forums at least three times a week. You know who you are. They don't do these sceneries based on "what's needed", they do them because they want to. Would you want to devote countless hours of your free time to an airport you didn't really have any interest in creating? No. Quit your whining and appreciate the fact that these guys are willing to devote so much of their time to making FS9 better.
Ed Lin
Posts: 6

Who the hell flys to Vienna

Post by Ed Lin » Wed Feb 08, 2006 5:32 pm

I have the stunning "Austria Professional" along with volume 2 of the FSQuality Austrian airports. I've been planning on returning to Vienna soon and this will be a very nice addition.

Oh...I don't live in Europe, but Northern New Jersey with KEWR as my home airport. :wink:
Posts: 119

Post by harpsi » Wed Feb 08, 2006 7:40 pm


Just one question for Martin. What are the AI aircrafts you are using on this scenery? Ai aardvark? Evolve AI? Project AI? FSP? Others?

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