Honestly, that's kind of easy to answer...they don't do requests.windshear wrote: But I have no clue why you chose this one, over so many requests...
Next Scenery
Sorry, I don't mean to sound snooty, but the request thing just drives me crazy. It just doesn't seem to matter how many times it's stated that they don't do requests, yet there are still a few a day. BTW, frisky...no, froggy...yes!!windshear wrote:skydvdan... Sheesh you are in a frisky mood...![]()

Oh yeeeeahmartin[flytampa] wrote:neither do I find't the 16 approach over the Donau or the 11 approach through refinery exhaust stacks boring.

I just have to add one other reallife pic from ILS 11 and our refinery -> http://members.chello.at/tamiko/loww7.jpg

But even more stunning, if cloud base is high, is the low flying over the city of Vienna, eye-to-eye with Stephens Cathedral

And this brings me to another question: Will the refinery be implemented in the scenery?
- Hermann2441
- Posts: 1
- martin[flytampa]
- Site Admin
- Posts: 5288
Hello,B777ER wrote:Now I have to go find all the charts for VIE before flying there.
you will find HERE all charts for Vienna.
Thanks FlyTampa for this great airport

- MarcoMania
- Posts: 4
- Bodo Mueller
- Posts: 74
Re: Next Scenery
Well, I am really disappointed because Vienna is really unnecessary at the most! It is done in the Austrien Airport scenery package in a very good quality and better as many certain Simflyers Airports which were requested to be done by Flytampa.martin[flytampa] wrote:What is it?
Literally written in the shot
When will it be released?
Within a week if all goes well.

So now I really do not understand those who always argue that airports like KLAX, KEWR, etc. or whatsoever are already done if Vienna is 'done' also in much better condition as those.
You better should have choosed PANC, RKSI or WSSS.