Just wanted to say thank you! A simply great scenery! It runs better than FSDT's LAX on my PC & UK2000's Heathrow infact!
I've got no error's for my scenery, only the taxiway signs and lights showing up late at night.
My system is fairly new and isn't much, I get around 20-30fps somtimes dropping to 15fps at the lowest this to me is playable anything above 10fps is playable in my book.
A few screens for you:


My current Spec:
Processor: AMD FX-6200 Six Core CPU (3.80GHz/6MB CACHE/AM3+) OC to 4.4GHZ
Motherboard: ASUS® M5A97 R2.0 (DDR3, USB3.0, 6Gb/s, Windows 8 Ready!)
Graphics Card :2GB NVIDIA GEFORCE GTX 660 Ti