Low FPS in FS2004

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Posts: 3

Re: Low FPS in FS2004

Post by RobertNeath » Sun Nov 25, 2012 10:11 am

Hey Guys,

Just wanted to say thank you! A simply great scenery! It runs better than FSDT's LAX on my PC & UK2000's Heathrow infact!

I've got no error's for my scenery, only the taxiway signs and lights showing up late at night.

My system is fairly new and isn't much, I get around 20-30fps somtimes dropping to 15fps at the lowest this to me is playable anything above 10fps is playable in my book.

A few screens for you:





My current Spec:
Processor: AMD FX-6200 Six Core CPU (3.80GHz/6MB CACHE/AM3+) OC to 4.4GHZ
Motherboard: ASUS® M5A97 R2.0 (DDR3, USB3.0, 6Gb/s, Windows 8 Ready!)

Graphics Card :2GB NVIDIA GEFORCE GTX 660 Ti
Posts: 1

Re: Low FPS in FS2004

Post by rgv250blau » Mon Nov 26, 2012 8:59 am

you have very bad frames for that system!

I have at daytime arround 45-38 and at dusk and night 40-30 but with full AI almost every gate occupied.

The Terminal is definitely the frame eater.
Posts: 3

Re: Low FPS in FS2004

Post by RobertNeath » Mon Nov 26, 2012 9:18 am

I do relise this but it is fs9 not fsx and fs9 is a single core program not a multi core like fsx.

Its either the graphics card or ram letting the system down, but baring in mind it is only old games that dont perform well.

Posts: 6

Re: Low FPS in FS2004

Post by FAlonso22 » Mon Nov 26, 2012 1:07 pm

Benncpp15 wrote:Duh, It's your welfare computers causing the problems. You need to stop whining because i doubt Flytampa will develop for Fs9 again. Just like PMDG.
Posts: 6

Re: Low FPS in FS2004

Post by FAlonso22 » Mon Nov 26, 2012 1:11 pm

eparot wrote:
martin[flytampa] wrote:To be honest, do we really need all this level of detail ?
Yes, we need. Buy a new fs rig please.
Posts: 13

Re: Low FPS in FS2004

Post by TheBoeingMan » Mon Nov 26, 2012 3:18 pm


I'm running FS9 with dual core 2.8Ghz 512mb graphics and Windows 7 64bit. I discovered that when Ai aircraft were installed into my FS9 folder, (and not using it) I was getting 22fps. When I completely erased all AI traffic files from FS9's main folder, I managed to boost my Fps up to 59fps with an heavy aircraft e.g PMDG IFly 737 and a 88fps with a cessna 172.

You should give this a try!
Posts: 13

Re: Low FPS in FS2004

Post by TheBoeingMan » Mon Nov 26, 2012 3:39 pm

ashy wrote:Incredibly, and i've noticed this with other addons too after trying FSX the first time in a long time today... I get more FPS in FSX. Maybe this problem is due to the airport being at total limitations in terms of poly count or similar on FS9, i'm definitely considering a total switch to FSX after this....

What your specs?
Posts: 4

Re: Low FPS in FS2004

Post by anthonyrm1 » Wed Nov 28, 2012 10:18 am

Any updated information for this? Am I to assume that most people have a vastly superior FS9 gaming rig to mine and that my only solution to poor frames at only this scenery in my library is to upgrade or replace my system?

Santa........... :wink:
Posts: 7

Re: Low FPS in FS2004

Post by ashy » Wed Nov 28, 2012 1:48 pm

TheBoeingMan wrote:
ashy wrote:Incredibly, and i've noticed this with other addons too after trying FSX the first time in a long time today... I get more FPS in FSX. Maybe this problem is due to the airport being at total limitations in terms of poly count or similar on FS9, i'm definitely considering a total switch to FSX after this....

What your specs?
Hi, they are below. I've noticed many sceneries that are pretty unplayable in FS9 like FSDT LAX/JFK also show a vast improvement in FSX, obviously some are worst but i've deleted FS9 now and i'm running FSX exclusively.

Dubai runs like a dream under FSX with all aircraft i have used so far, providing AI traffic isn't used.

Asus P5N-E SLI
Intel Quad Q6600 @ 2.6GHZ
NVidia 460GTX 1GB Gainward GLH
Corsair XMS 6400 4GB DDR2
W7 Ultimate 64bit
Posts: 15

Re: Low FPS in FS2004

Post by Swag » Wed Nov 28, 2012 2:04 pm

ashy wrote:
TheBoeingMan wrote: Dubai runs like a dream under FSX with all aircraft i have used so far, providing AI traffic isn't used.
Which kind of defeats the point of eye candy in the first place, i.e. making the simulator more believable.
Posts: 3

Re: Low FPS in FS2004

Post by RobertNeath » Wed Nov 28, 2012 2:20 pm

What I'm finding hard to understand is how people say 20fps isn't playable?! Movies are played at 24fps which is a perfect rate for viewing the same with games, people want the most fps anything above 30fps I can't tell the difference hence why I've locked my fps @ 30fps.

When All my airports are full of Ai, graphics are on full and AA are on X8 my fps don't go below 15fps this is still playable there are no freezes maybe the slight stutter but that's it!

To help with the fps issue I've turned off the Ground Shadows try it! It doesn't make much difference!

Sure FSX will most proberly run better on my current system, but I can't be asked to transfer my 2GB+ of aircraft & Ai traffic over to it.

I love fs9 and I've spent far to much money on addons over the years, I prefer the game to fsx as it seems more real to me. Sure fsx is good for missions p and super eye candy, but fs9 is the top sim for me and besides after years of tweaking Ai, effects and custom colors and sceneries how can you swap to the cartoon sim as other users call it?


Posts: 7

Re: Low FPS in FS2004

Post by ashy » Wed Nov 28, 2012 5:11 pm

Swag wrote:
ashy wrote:
TheBoeingMan wrote: Dubai runs like a dream under FSX with all aircraft i have used so far, providing AI traffic isn't used.
Which kind of defeats the point of eye candy in the first place, i.e. making the simulator more believable.
With respect to the scenery i am talking, with the same AI setting in FS9 the scenery runs worst than FSX.
Posts: 191

Re: Low FPS in FS2004

Post by Benncpp15 » Wed Nov 28, 2012 5:22 pm

Why don't you guys wanting to use crap old computers just run the old version of Dubai? No way the devs are going to hold back progress for you. It embarrassing watching you all expect special treatment for these antiquate computers running obsolete FS9 software. USE THE OLD LEGACY DUBAI SCENERY! Its designed to run on old computers.
Posts: 1

Re: Low FPS in FS2004

Post by SteveX » Wed Nov 28, 2012 5:55 pm

Benncpp15 wrote:Why don't you guys wanting to use crap old computers just run the old version of Dubai? No way the devs are going to hold back progress for you. It embarrassing watching you all expect special treatment for these antiquate computers running obsolete FS9 software. USE THE OLD LEGACY DUBAI SCENERY! Its designed to run on old computers.

You are really retarded, and I'm not sure if you actually realize how much. Being such a smartass with your top notch suggestions, why don't you sponsor everyone with an old computer running obsolete FS9 software, who inspite the fact there are newer addons on the marker, still keep their old PC's. As far as I can remember, there aren't any minimal requirements to run this version of Dubai, therefore the customer should expect the same quality as any payware scenery. Don't get me wrong, the Dubai scenery is absolutely amazing, but there is a FPS issue when the terminal is in view.

So next time do not post pointless and stupid suggestions, because it really isn't your place to tell people what machines they should be using. Simple as that. If you have a new one, more than capable of running every single addon without any problems, than I'm happy for you, but if you were forced to cope with the FPS issue most of us are facing, than you would be singing a whole other song.
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