Version 1.1 Patch (FS9)

Posts: 20

Post by VulcanB2 » Mon Jul 21, 2008 4:15 pm

drop to around 10 from a range of 14-18 before that point in the 744.
14-18 FPS? You're not looking at a drop from 30-40 FPS then.

My best guess is that your system simply can't handle it.

FPS drop to around 35 FPS for me with the 744, but go up to 100+ FPS once I'm on the climb-out.

It's all relative. My suggestion is drop the detail.

I'm personally finding it to be very good! I've got heavier scenery than this installed.

@Martin: the 1.1 patch without the Landclass (I removed it) is fine - it seems that at the time I downloaded it, there was still an issue. I agree with previous comments that the approach lighting needs tweaking to make it more discernible.


Best regards,
Mauricio Naude
Posts: 1

Post by Mauricio Naude » Tue Aug 19, 2008 1:46 pm

Hi Martin how are you ? you send me a mail in the morning i apriciate , only one question i download the update for Kai tak and in the runway appear a big red cube in the center and the final of the runway , what can i do ?

Posts: 25

Post by Sebastian » Tue Sep 09, 2008 2:51 pm

Two months after the release of the hotfix-patch I would like to know when the final patch will be released.

Will it contain the guiding lights correction with realistic frequency?

Will it contain the ATC-fix?
Posts: 25

Post by Goldoro » Wed Sep 10, 2008 12:19 pm

Mauricio Naude wrote:Hi Martin how are you ? you send me a mail in the morning i apriciate , only one question i download the update for Kai tak and in the runway appear a big red cube in the center and the final of the runway , what can i do ?

Red cube no good.

Skrinshot por favor?

Recuerdos y respetos de la Ciudad de Mexico
Posts: 9

Post by janosch » Sat Sep 27, 2008 8:27 am

Will it ever see the light of day?
Posts: 25

Post by Sebastian » Sun Oct 26, 2008 4:59 am

I don`t want to appear impatiently or unpolitely when I pose the same question for a patch two times.

It`s just that I wait for a proper ATC-conversation that can say "Kai Tak", then - being a freak after all the work with 9dragons - I want those lights to flash with the correct frequency.

All not so big things, but to me very important for the atmosphere!

Some little other tweaks as a brighter night illumination of the city would be nice, but not that necessary. That would only make something 100 % perfect that is already 99 %, if you know what I mean.

So, I come to see this status of the "work-in-progress" thread some times a week. Could you give something like "one month", "three months", "no patch at all"?
Site Admin
Posts: 5288

Post by martin[flytampa] » Sun Oct 26, 2008 6:50 pm

The main reason for this patch is to fix bugs, CTDs etc, therefore the name patch.

If your main wish are the approach lights being like the ones in 9D, I can tell you that won't happen. As I said before I like my lights & consider them a good match against video footage etc.

To get 9D's approach lights you simply have to disable my file: kt_appr13_strobes_anim_fs9.bgl
and possibly: _kt_appr13_lights.bgl too

...then rip the lights out of 9D and place the new BGL within my /scenery/ folder. Shouldn't be hard, especially if you made them or have access to the 9D light source.

I have no problem if this gets done and shared/downloadable as optional light-replacement pack.
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