Search found 6 matches
- Mon Jun 15, 2015 4:01 pm
- Forum: FlyTampa-Sydney
- Topic: The (in)official FS9-begging-thread
- Replies: 117
- Views: 92672
Re: The (in)official FS9-begging-thread
Many thanks for YSSY George. Brilliant job. I fly a Metroliner from regional airports into Sydney in P3D 2.5 without issues. Like others here I feel more comfortable flying my big tubes internationally in the FS9 platform. Nothing worse than an OOM just as one is arriving after an 8 hour leg! Theref...
- Mon Feb 16, 2015 4:54 pm
- Forum: FlyTampa-Sydney
- Topic: Update & Sydney YSSY
- Replies: 305
- Views: 356675
Re: Update & Sydney YSSY
I understand YSSY default , like Toronto default , consumes higher than expected/normal VAS. This was an important reason why ORBX chose to bypass this most important Australian airport. Given the recent release of FlyTampa Toronto, where many compromises seem necessary to ensure satisfactory perfor...
- Sun Jun 23, 2013 3:43 am
- Forum: FlyTampa-Copenhagen
- Topic: Copenhagen EKCH (Old Preview Thread)
- Replies: 245
- Views: 277278
Re: Copenhagen EKCH
Quote"created by these guys, they are clearly capable of delivering a high quality airport scenery." Unquote With respect George, FSDG might provide eye candy but at the expense of frames, to wit Djerba (default Cessna 7 fps FS9 after update) and Sharm el-Sheikh (not purchased because of s...
- Sat Nov 10, 2012 11:19 pm
- Forum: General Discussion
- Topic: Australia's Melbourne Tullamarine or Sydney YSSY?
- Replies: 9
- Views: 9913
Re: Australia's Melbourne Tullamarine or Sydney YSSY?
Perceived lack of demand, pure and simple ... particularly where FS9 is concerned.
ORBX has had to go to overseas subject matter in order to make a profit. The freeware YSSY by Flukey and the VOZ team is the best available rendition. Be sure you get the update on Avsim.
ORBX has had to go to overseas subject matter in order to make a profit. The freeware YSSY by Flukey and the VOZ team is the best available rendition. Be sure you get the update on Avsim.
- Mon Dec 05, 2011 6:38 am
- Forum: FlyTampa-Athens
- Topic: [FS9] "curved" taxiways and aprons ?
- Replies: 11
- Views: 11893
Re: [FS9] "curved" taxiways and aprons ?
Just noticed this thread and can confirm the symptoms appear on my FS9 computer also. Just like to remind everyone that FlyTampa established their reputation around the time SimFlyers were topdog in the addon scenery business. Nice scenery, poor framerates. FlyTampa, on the other hand ... nice scene...
- Sun Jul 10, 2011 6:54 pm
- Forum: General Discussion
- Topic: Poll - FSX or FS9?
- Replies: 150
- Views: 131078
Re: Poll - FSX or FS9?
I use FS9. Have too much invested in this sim and, now, predominately fly tubeliners. Just a slideshow on FSX with my rig. FlyTampa, like most skilled developers, enjoy utilising the high tech facilities afforded by FSX and offering fare for FS9 is becoming a nuisance, a burden. I for one selfishly ...