Update & Sydney YSSY

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Posts: 13

Re: Update & Sydney YSSY

Post by jason74 » Thu Feb 12, 2015 4:07 am

graemeb wrote:Well said Sam!
Nice to see a sensible and polite post on these forums - very rare nowadays. I will be very happy if Sydney comes out for the FS9 platform as it is my hometown airport. I have no intention of upgrading to FSX in the foreseeable future (it is still sitting in its box after I uninstalled it several years ago). I agree it is a matter of choice, and the reasons are not obvious to certain people. Live and let live!
So you uninstalled FSX 7 years ago so you have no Idea how much things have improved since then for FSX, It has never been better!! FS9 is dead and Buried!! You honestly cant expect developers to continue making software that's compatible with FS9 it was replaced almost 10 years ago. I guess most People running FS9 are doing so on a 10 year old PC also right? its 2015 not 2005 . like I said before I hope Fly Tampa don't make a FS9 version as it will just add more time and cost to future software. Cant make it compatible with FS9, FSX and P3D nothing would ever get finished. PMDG where smart to stop it. If you are too tight to up grade or buy a new PC that's your problem you cant expect todays addons to work
Sam Arnold
Posts: 45

Re: Update & Sydney YSSY

Post by Sam Arnold » Thu Feb 12, 2015 8:24 pm

Jason74, I said my last post nicely, unlike you, and will say it nicely again:
Stop what you're doing, stop the put-downs and directed remarks.
Like GraemeB, I also have FSX, and I run mine rarely when I do GA flights. It's great for that, visually and functionally. My PC is not from 2005, it's from 2011. I'm not tight, that unit cost me $3500. I'm happy to pay $40 per addon, whether for FS9 or FSX. So yeah, not tight.
You can't buy a PC to run FSX well enough off the shelf in my country, you'd need to have a special one commissioned to meet the unnecessary performance demands of FSX with full kit.

As for FS9 being dead and buried, sure the development from Microsoft ceased a decade ago, but not the user base. Last surveys in 2014 showed more than 30% of serious Microsoft FS users still use FS9. A further 20% say they switch back to FS9 for their Airline simulated flights.
FSX is superb for GA flights, you know, small planes with little polygon count. None of those huge mega-airports with 200+ AI traffic all in 32-bit textures. FSX can't deal with that well. FS9 does.
That is why I use it, I'm primarily an Airline sim guy. Most of my flights are from big airports, like YSSY, and spent over ocean areas at FL350.

All in all, you need to let other's be. If there are people out there that still want support for FS9, let it be that way mate. Don't try and tell us to let go, and most of all, don't ruin it for us by barking at FlyTampa to cut production. You'll still get your FSX or P3D version in the end, while we fight a declining battle.
Posts: 13

Re: Update & Sydney YSSY

Post by jason74 » Fri Feb 13, 2015 4:29 pm

Well they just released Toronto and No FS9 version

Fly Tampa comment on FS9
These newer releases are becoming too complex to convert to FS9. Its not impossible, but the amount of extra work needed is hard to justify. Plus none of us FlyTampa devs even keeps FS9 installed anymore so supportig costumer issues becomes a problem as I learned with Dubai-Rebooted.

So time to upgrade old Timers :D
Posts: 5

Re: Update & Sydney YSSY

Post by Eagle77 » Fri Feb 13, 2015 6:32 pm

I'd love to know which poll gave 30% of simmers using FS9.
The last major poll taken in 2012 on avsim polled 909 users. 65.6% went to fsx and 22.2% to FS9. This was prior to P3D taking off in the big way it has. There are now way more P3D users than FS9. The sales numbers don't add up, we're hearing it time and again these days from developers.

I respect your choice of sim. Everybody has their reasons. But please can we stop this silly and childish debate in a thread about YSSY. Also please cut quoting fantasy figures that are not backed up with fact.

Posts: 13

Re: Update & Sydney YSSY

Post by jason74 » Fri Feb 13, 2015 7:41 pm

Eagle77 wrote:I'd love to know which poll gave 30% of simmers using FS9.
The last major poll taken in 2012 on avsim polled 909 users. 65.6% went to fsx and 22.2% to FS9. This was prior to P3D taking off in the big way it has. There are now way more P3D users than FS9. The sales numbers don't add up, we're hearing it time and again these days from developers.

I respect your choice of sim. Everybody has their reasons. But please can we stop this silly and childish debate in a thread about YSSY. Also please cut quoting fantasy figures that are not backed up with fact.

Its probably less than 10 % still using FS9 Fly Tampa would loose money big time making it compatible with FS9 and if they did they should charge FS9 users 4 times the price of fsx and P3D versions to make up the loss.
Who cares if they Loose FS9 Customers its not like they are a big market. Give it another year or two and no one will offer new FS9 compatible add ons its just the way it is so FS9 users accept it!!!!!!!!!! :D
Posts: 6

Re: Update & Sydney YSSY

Post by Appliance » Mon Feb 16, 2015 4:54 pm

I understand YSSY default, like Toronto default, consumes higher than expected/normal VAS. This was an important reason why ORBX chose to bypass this most important Australian airport.

Given the recent release of FlyTampa Toronto, where many compromises seem necessary to ensure satisfactory performance using airliners, one could expect YSSY to 'suffer' similar limitations.

Would FlyTampa care to comment?
Posts: 9

Re: Update & Sydney YSSY

Post by yssyflyer » Thu Feb 19, 2015 4:19 pm

any news :D
Posts: 11

Re: Update & Sydney YSSY

Post by Aussie_Flyer » Fri Feb 20, 2015 1:21 am

jason74 wrote: So time to upgrade old Timers :D
Why when there are new World Textures just available for Fs9 along with the best 747-400 available just been released?

Good luck with your VAS problems and OOM's with this one. I googled those terms because we fs9'ers dont get em so I dont know what they are. :D
Posts: 39

Re: Update & Sydney YSSY

Post by pride545 » Fri Feb 20, 2015 2:12 am

Why don't you people take this stupid discussion somewhere else. It is all a matter of personal opinion!!
Posts: 11

Re: Update & Sydney YSSY

Post by Aussie_Flyer » Fri Feb 20, 2015 2:40 am

OOMS and CTD's aren't personal opinions. There realities of those that use FSX and P3D.

And my wife's comment on how much better my fs9 looked compared to my FSX wasn't 'personal opinion'. A obvious observation. :D
Posts: 42

Re: Update & Sydney YSSY

Post by simsuper80 » Fri Feb 20, 2015 7:05 am

i have an fx 6100 and a gtx 670. the only time i use fsx is to look at new sceneries.

my computer cannot run fsx and i am still forced to use fs2004. an fsx capable computer at best buy is about $1,000 or more.

in fs2004 i can fly to amsterdam in the pmdg 747 with 100% ai traffic and the game still runs smoothly.

can anybody using fsx do that?
Posts: 1

Re: Update & Sydney YSSY

Post by Voyager » Sat Feb 28, 2015 6:44 pm

I'm looking forward to see long-awaited masterpiece!
Posts: 1

Re: Update & Sydney YSSY

Post by dutto98 » Mon Mar 02, 2015 2:46 am

How is the fly tampa YSSY development going? Definately keen like alot of others to have this scenery for Sydney... Especially with all of orbx's airports, with this Sydney it really connects all the dots...

Posts: 27

Re: Update & Sydney YSSY

Post by ArturAir » Tue Mar 03, 2015 3:53 am

Guys, dont expect to see Sydney for FS2004! Emil and Martin did not make their sceneries for FS2004 and probably George will be consistent with his colleagues...
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