V1.4 - Black areas texture problems

Posts: 25

V1.4 - Black areas texture problems

Post by Raphael_Chacon » Sun Nov 04, 2018 1:25 pm


Im having this issue, simmilar to this post in the forum, but ive revised the entries and everything seems normal. It was working ok, im not sure what happened.

I have disabled the LC through the new configurator to avoid problems with ORBX things, and i feel its not the same as the landclass problem.


This is mi Add-on.XML content:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<SimBase.Document Type="AddOnXml" version="4,0" id="add-on">
<AddOn.Description>Toronto Pearson International Airport for Prepar3D</AddOn.Description>

Ive tested changing seasons, moving the priority in Sim Library, reinstalled the product again completely, used ORBX AEC.....no luck...nothing works.... :-(

Thanks in advance for support,

Posts: 25

Re: V1.4 - Black areas texture problems

Post by Raphael_Chacon » Sun Nov 04, 2018 4:37 pm

Tried to remove and reinstall of NA LC from ORBX, did not work... :-(
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Re: V1.4 - Black areas texture problems

Post by martin[flytampa] » Sun Nov 04, 2018 10:50 pm

XML looks correct.

When you change the season to Winter or something else, does the airport ground change color/grass?... and only these black pieces remain black?

Go into FlyTampa/Toronto/scenery/

Search for "terrain". It should find 3 files, one of them cyyz_terrain.BGL. Temporarily disable that by renaming it to .BAK. Load CYYZ and see if the black areas are gone. There might be holes in the ground in its place. If they are not gone and still black let me know, that would indicate you may have some file from an older version of Toronto lingering around.
Posts: 25

Re: V1.4 - Black areas texture problems

Post by Raphael_Chacon » Mon Nov 05, 2018 12:13 am

Yep, i already did the test and black textures are gone when disabling cyyz_terrain.BGL ..... I see the weird holes, but no black textures on it....

Re-downloaded, unistalled, reinstalled. Not working at all. Even used "Deleted autogenerated file" function of P3DV4 and rebuild scenery and coinfigs from the begining, but no luck...
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Re: V1.4 - Black areas texture problems

Post by martin[flytampa] » Mon Nov 05, 2018 3:48 pm

And the regular airport ground/grass changes with seasons correctly? both the ground and these black pieces use the same script (check you have toronto/scripts/cyyz_grd.lua) as well as the same textures in scripts/texture/, specially cyyz_5x1.dds

Last ideas would be to rebuild the P3D shader cache by deleting that folder (google prepar3d delete shader cache folder) and to turn on the error logging in P3D settings to see if you get any specific error log for Toronto.
Posts: 25

Re: V1.4 - Black areas texture problems

Post by Raphael_Chacon » Tue Nov 06, 2018 9:18 pm

All right,

The results:

1- Ground/grass changes with seasons correctly? Yes i see surrounding textures are normal and blend very well around. I tested changing it via FT configurator, but nothing improves the black areas

2- Check you have toronto/scripts/cyyz_grd.lua as well as the same textures in scripts/texture/, specially cyyz_5x1.dds Affirmative, everything is there... In texture there are many textures, dont know if i need to revise something else appart from cyyz_5x1.dds 112 items total inside that texture folder.

3- Rebuild the P3D shader cache by deleting that folder. Done, but no luck.... same black areas yet...

4- Turn on the error logging in P3D settings -- Ou, i noticed the following error after closing the sim:

error=Texture FT_BOS_CUBEMAP.DDS failed to load (FE_REQUEST_STATUS==13)

I think its related to Boston scenery right?, not exactly related to Toronto(and i was loading into CYYZ only at that point, so)... Then decided to check KBOS just to make sure it works and yep, i found black areas too and very weird missing border texture and strange floating objets around KBOS(not my mesh resolution which is 5m, but even 1m wont return normal coastline goodlooking):

*as a note, yes, the file FT_BOS_CUBEMAP.DDS is present here: C:\Program Files\Lockheed Martin\Prepar3D v4\FlyTampa\Boston\texture and there is anotherone: FT_BOS_CUBEMAPDesat.DDS)

So i went to TNCM and see if common thing. All i noticed is that when moving camera to certain height kind of grid lines appear all over the airport(Dont know if related). Hard to see due to reduced image quality, but try it, they are very visible in my monitor:


Gee, this is geting deeper... :-(

Thanks in advance for kind support...
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Posts: 3867

Re: V1.4 - Black areas texture problems

Post by george[flytampa] » Tue Nov 06, 2018 10:17 pm

Your shots look like the textures are missing from the Scripts\Texture folder.
Posts: 25

Re: V1.4 - Black areas texture problems

Post by Raphael_Chacon » Wed Nov 07, 2018 9:13 pm


In the CYYZ script folder as i said, there are 112 files. What would you recommend to do next? (Inside KBOS/Scripts there are 132 items)...

I reinstalled CYYZ only, but reinstall every FT scenery and see what happen? :|
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Posts: 3867

Re: V1.4 - Black areas texture problems

Post by george[flytampa] » Wed Nov 07, 2018 10:52 pm

Could you perhaps have duplicate installs? Maybe an older scenery database entry for the same airport?

Your BOS shots look exactly like what would happen if I deleted everything in Scripts\Texture. Don't know why it's not finding those textures. Made any tweaks? Airports show up under Addons?
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Posts: 5288

Re: V1.4 - Black areas texture problems

Post by martin[flytampa] » Thu Nov 08, 2018 3:02 pm

Check the Scenery Library in P3D world menu, see if Boston, Toronto are listed as greyed items or as the old type of entry that you can move up/down, delete. They should be greyed out and on top, not moveable at all.
Posts: 25

Re: V1.4 - Black areas texture problems

Post by Raphael_Chacon » Thu Nov 08, 2018 6:17 pm


I think we found something:

Amsterdam & Dubai: I remember i always was able to move the LC folders up or down and main scenery line as well, not greyed out, which helped with the position of the LC, etc.... So this time Both AMS and DBX are not greyed out and i can move them up down as old way...

Boston/Tampa/Toronto/TNCM: Not greyed out. I see a single line calling those sceneries....the P3DV4Root/FTPA/(name of scenery) and it can be moved up/down. Noted that TNCM is divided in few more lines for SABA, St Bartholomew... But none of them greyed out neither.

Here an image. The order is not exactly as it originally is among my other addons. I just agruped them showing the greyed/notgreyed status and their actual position from top to botton despite other addons might be in the middle of some of them in their real priority:


So, conclusion: none of my FT sceneries are greyed out :shock: Except FlyTampa-Libraries. That one is greyed out.

Thanks for support, waiting for your kind advice...
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Posts: 3867

Re: V1.4 - Black areas texture problems

Post by george[flytampa] » Thu Nov 08, 2018 6:48 pm

THat's the old way of adding scenery. Probably best you remove all those entries & run the installers again.
They should be greyed out now for P3D4.

Did you install those manually?
Posts: 25

Re: V1.4 - Black areas texture problems

Post by Raphael_Chacon » Thu Nov 08, 2018 7:04 pm

Or may be it is possible to modify the file containing the greyed out management and delete from the Scenery.CFG those "not greyed out entries"?

Remember i reinstalled Boston and is not greyed out after that, so...

I actually use to backup my C:\ProgramData\Lockheed Martin\Prepar3D v4/Scenery.CFG due to irresponsible installation software which affected the file deleting entries to add their dev's. So i always keep a backup form time to time, its like a recovery point for me.

Also, i use back up my C:\Users\Raphael\AppData\Roaming\Lockheed Martin\Prepar3D v4/Addons.CFG file because of the same reason and i keep those recovery points saved in organized folders(there are other files like EXE.XML, etc). So it is probabbly one of those recovery points i had to use to recover my sim from problems i had.... and may be FT entries are not there for some reason or by mistake.... its a possibility, despite i make it carefully and its been very very precisely usefull several times because of those undesired installers...

But...is there some way to add the entries for expl to my Addons.CFG so i delete the entries from the Scenery.CFG and get it back to normal? Or should i go to just, delete every FT scenery and reinstall?
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Posts: 3867

Re: V1.4 - Black areas texture problems

Post by george[flytampa] » Thu Nov 08, 2018 8:34 pm

You should be able to run the Add-to-P3D.cmd for each airport.
It can be found in the root folder of each airport. Just edit it first and make sure the last line has a path pointing at your prepar3d.exe location.

Delete the old entries from the scenery database first. Then run the Add-to-P3D.cmd
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