by Raphael_Chacon » Sat Jun 13, 2020 10:21 pm
Hello guys,
Sorry for late answer but i think its important since i came back to read my own solution because i was experiencing it again, and for sure, solved again without further issues.
What i did:
1) Revised: C:\ProgramData\Lockheed Martin\Prepar3D v4\scenery.CFG
This one is the normal scenery.cfg we used to manipulate when FSX.... Made sure of the FlyTampa entries in there (take notes).
2) Revised: C:\Users\USERNAME\AppData\Roaming\Lockheed Martin\Prepar3D v4\add-ons.CFG
This file is the newest way P3D register the sceneries. For some technical reason, fully updated P3DV4 files must be added through this file and not the scenery.CFG we used to... Again, take notes of the FlyTampa entries you have in there.
According to results from 1 and 2, you will see if you have your sceneries well installed. For expl: i discovered that Toronto was not present in those files at all.
3) Go to your P4D folder / Flytampa and check one by one your installed sceneries. Note that, all of those scenery folders containing the file Add-to-P3D are likely those already fully updated for should be installed through the add-ons.CFG registration instead of the scenery.CFG
4) Manually change the entries from scenery.CFG to add-ons.CFG from those sceneries containing the Add-to-P3D.CMD file. Make sure you dont have double entries. Once you are sure.... you can even decide to move/create manual entries or just click the Add-to-P3D-CMD file and it will automatically add the entries for you.
Why should we do this in the middle of a healthy P3D installation, well, may be instaling things, we lost the original entries. That happens, and i use to backup those files often and before every product installation, so i know when some software messed it up....and correct it manually.
Something else to note: I dont know why, but some addons isntallations create add-ons.CFG in the Program data folder. I think it is wrong, so i make sure to put everything back to the AppData folder, to the Add-Ons.CFG file and delete the same CFG created in the Program data folder. So no double entries and everything seems to work very well. Why is that happening way? I dont know, dev problems not reading SDK very well? P3D problem? Dont know, but backing up entries, cleaning when messed and keeping only one Add-Ons.CFG file inside the AppData folder(not the ProgData one) seems to works very well for me before any installation attemp.
I hope this information is useful for you all.
Happy Flying!