Can you please check the taxiway data (taxiway point) for runway 06R-24L if they are connected to the taxiway. I believe there something missing or not connected properly. The runway is not recognized by any ATC programs like FsHud and BeyondATC. Most like it is not working with default ATC either. Thank You!
Update!! Actually the entire runway is missing, can you please correct the scenery.
Runway 06R-24L
- oltcitroom
- Posts: 3
Re: Runway 06R-24L
Unfortunately, it seems like these developers aren't prioritizing their customer's needs, so it's unlikely that any issues will be addressed.
- oltcitroom
- Posts: 3
Re: Runway 06R-24L
Its a shame for a pay ware scenery to be missing the entire runway. I do create freeware sceneries and it doesn't take that long to add another runway and taxiways. I was expecting more from ORBX and FlyTAMPA. I guess i will have to add that runway myself.
- oltcitroom
- Posts: 3
Re: Runway 06R-24L
I take it back, the BGL file does show all the runway being set. LittleNavMap confirms that too. I think is MSFS/Asobo messing things up with their updates.