When are you updating Copenhagen?
When are you updating Copenhagen?
New update from MS for the Nordics was never really aligned with the Copenhagen scenery. Can we get an update with the new gates and other changes please? It is getting
old with the current setup.
old with the current setup.
Re: When are you updating Copenhagen?
I'm checking the forums once each week or each other week. :-) Hope that you find the time to finish up the update to FlyTampa Copenhagen! <3
Re: When are you updating Copenhagen?
It semes like they gave up, on this project, or don´t care
Re: When are you updating Copenhagen?
Yeah, still checking, but I hope somebody else takes up Copenhagen Airport with a more updated layout and even open to again purchase it.
Re: When are you updating Copenhagen?
Still dreaming of a new Copenhagen....
Re: When are you updating Copenhagen?
Silence is not golden, FlyTampa! I also have windsocks blowing towards each other at the airport. Frustration amongst nordic users a pretty high around the net. A huge update is not what I expect, but to fix some of the open issues is at least, is what I would expect before buying more of your other sceneries. Or just some communication perhaps.
Re: When are you updating Copenhagen?
Are you sure he is still working in this? It really feels like this is just never happening. Been waiting for so long.