AI traffic taxi'ing and parking

Posts: 6

AI traffic taxi'ing and parking

Post by bond672 » Sat Feb 25, 2006 9:39 pm

Wonderful scenery..but the aircraft like to taxi on the grass and park on the taxi way!

i am using traffic 2005...anyone else have this prob or just me?

Posts: 2121

Re: AI traffic taxi'ing and parking

Post by skydvdan » Sun Feb 26, 2006 1:38 pm

bond672 wrote:Wonderful scenery..but the aircraft like to taxi on the grass and park on the taxi way!

i am using traffic 2005...anyone else have this prob or just me?

Sounds like a conflicting Afcad. :-(
Posts: 1612

Re: AI traffic taxi'ing and parking

Post by paavo » Sun Feb 26, 2006 2:55 pm

bond672 wrote:Wonderful scenery..but the aircraft like to taxi on the grass and park on the taxi way!

i am using traffic 2005...anyone else have this prob or just me?

I gave up on traffic 2005 because of stuff like that, try putting Vienna at the top of the scenery library.
Posts: 6

Post by bond672 » Mon Feb 27, 2006 2:47 am

ok, i have put it at the top of my scenery list but it is still parking aircraft on the taxi way!

anyone else have traffic 2005 and this prob?
Posts: 1612

Post by paavo » Mon Feb 27, 2006 3:04 am

bond672 wrote:ok, i have put it at the top of my scenery list but it is still parking aircraft on the taxi way!

anyone else have traffic 2005 and this prob?
I think Dan is right, conflicting afcad. Look in the "What the ........" thread to see my shot of floating AI aircraft, I fixed that by getting rid of traffic 2005, but it was a coflicting afcad between traffic 2005 and an addon scenery. Have you checked the traffic 2005 forums ? I did when I had the floating AI problem and was told that the dev for my addon scenery has to make a fix for traffic 2005, which is part of the reason why I got rid of traffic 2005. I think there is a traffic 2005 folder with there afcads, disable the Vienna one and see what happens.
Site Admin
Posts: 5288

Post by martin[flytampa] » Mon Feb 27, 2006 3:16 am

search your harddrive for af2_loww*

All results that are not in the Fly-Vienna/scenery folder need to be renamed or deleted.
Posts: 6

Post by bond672 » Mon Feb 27, 2006 8:23 pm

ok, i have found one in the world airports scenery folder and one in the traffic 2005 folder so i will remove the one from the traffic 2005 and report back if it works

Posts: 6

Post by bond672 » Mon Feb 27, 2006 9:33 pm

well, that didnt fix it, so i have decided to switch back to my original AI aircraft using Ultimate Traffic, i never had any probs with that, what a waste of money traffic 2005 was!! oh well, we live and learn.

Posts: 1612

Post by paavo » Mon Feb 27, 2006 10:18 pm

bond672 wrote:well, that didnt fix it, so i have decided to switch back to my original AI aircraft using Ultimate Traffic, i never had any probs with that, what a waste of money traffic 2005 was!! oh well, we live and learn.

That makes 2 of us, I did the same thing and went back to ultimate traffic for the same reason. I didn't try it with traffic 2005, but it's pretty easy in ultimate traffic to replace the planes with Aardvark ones, just takes time.
Posts: 32

Post by six » Tue Feb 28, 2006 8:05 pm

I use Traffic 2005 and I don't have that problem. The AFCAD is your problem, I would think.

Don't give up on Traffic 2005 or UT for that matter, if your an advanced user. Why? Because programs like that aren't for the "set it and forget it" guy. Any program that does so much to your FS install is going to need your assistance and help to get things right. I have UT and Traffic 2005 and both need attention. I just found myself liking 2005 better. So I use it.
Posts: 2121

Post by skydvdan » Wed Mar 01, 2006 9:18 am

six wrote:I use Traffic 2005 and I don't have that problem. The AFCAD is your problem, I would think.

Don't give up on Traffic 2005 or UT for that matter, if your an advanced user. Why? Because programs like that aren't for the "set it and forget it" guy. Any program that does so much to your FS install is going to need your assistance and help to get things right. I have UT and Traffic 2005 and both need attention. I just found myself liking 2005 better. So I use it.
I agree. Do you have Afcad2 by Lee Swordy installed?
Posts: 2

your answer

Post by Tyron » Wed Mar 01, 2006 11:01 am

ok i have traffic 2005 too - the following u need to do:

go to your fs9 folder then under scenery then u go to Traffic2005AFD folder - there is a afcad loww file --> delete this one !!
then u go to the flytampa vienna SCENERY folder and copy the af2_flytampa_loww.bgl folder and put it in the folder where u have deleted the other afcad file.. thats it...


Posts: 409

Post by gunsontheroof » Thu Mar 02, 2006 1:00 am

Traffic 2004 was a joke...does traffic 2005 have 300+ MD-11s in American Airlines' fleet too? ;)
Posts: 6

Post by flyer13 » Mon Mar 27, 2006 7:57 pm

I have a problem with this as well. I have Ultimate Traffic. Can someone help me with this?
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