Horrendous KLAS Performance [MSFS]

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Posts: 5

Horrendous KLAS Performance [MSFS]

Post by AlecHendo » Thu Mar 11, 2021 11:26 am


I purchased the FlyTampa KLAS scenery during its V2 stage. Every time I try to use the airport scenery (for some reason the city doesn't really affect my FPS) I am getting 8-10 FPS, without engines on or anything. Making it very difficult to actually fly out of the scenery.

My specs aren't amazing, but I can comfortably run MSFS on the "High" graphics preset at 30-35 FPS, so I figured it wouldn't be an issue. Even if I turn my settings to "Low" I can't get over 10 FPS.

Anything I can do to improve this number?
Posts: 3

Re: Horrendous KLAS Performance [MSFS]

Post by tfkdougal » Fri Mar 12, 2021 8:10 pm

Yes I am suffering the same. I don't know if it's the new patch or something but performance is now awful for me making it almost unflyable
Posts: 29

Re: Horrendous KLAS Performance [MSFS]

Post by SolRayz » Fri Mar 12, 2021 11:36 pm

I have 10700k with a RTX3090 and at 4K and Ultra settings sitting at parking spot i get 37fps. This scenery hits hard but it's no surprise since the P3D version was also a heavy hitter.
Posts: 5

Re: Horrendous KLAS Performance [MSFS]

Post by AlecHendo » Mon Apr 05, 2021 6:38 pm

I just want there to be a way to adjust everything in the scenery. Think of it like being the MSFS default Low, Medium, High, and Ultra. Right now it is only available in Ultra, but my machine can only run Medium so I can't use the scenery? I want to use it but I also want to be able to fly out of it... I can't even take off from KVGT (about 10 miles north) without getting 20 FPS less than I usually would get.

And I don't want to remove it because I hate how the default KLAS looks.
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