Amsterdam v1.3 issues (screenshots)

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Posts: 46

Amsterdam v1.3 issues (screenshots)

Post by Saldo » Wed Dec 30, 2020 3:51 am

Hello team,

Thanks you for this updated version.

I saw some things :
- graphical issues : black wires rising up in the air at certain angles/altitudes near the airport. As I have a high end pc with a 3090 card and this opnly happens at Schiphol and not at other HD airports imho it is the scenery.
- a mesh issue on the highway. It corrects itself when getting closer.
- a few trees on the highway.

Best regards, Gerard
FT EHAM issue 3.jpg
FT EHAM issue 3.jpg (433.17 KiB) Viewed 1719 times
FT EHAM issue 2.jpg
FT EHAM issue 2.jpg (405.85 KiB) Viewed 1719 times
FT EHAM issue 1.jpg
FT EHAM issue 1.jpg (462.23 KiB) Viewed 1719 times
Steven Silva
Posts: 3

Re: Amsterdam v1.3 issues (screenshots)

Post by Steven Silva » Wed Dec 30, 2020 7:24 am

I use P3D V4.5 and the truth is that everything that is concrete acts like mud but when I slew my aircraft towards the grass everything appears normal then for me there is a problem with the mesh and the altitude of the airport and I also noticed that in my library everything change of priority and order
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