ILS Runway Issue - Still getting Runway 25 in CDU

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Posts: 1

ILS Runway Issue - Still getting Runway 25 in CDU

Post by Cilon3 » Wed May 06, 2020 6:23 pm

am having a major issue with the Las Vegas airport (though it looks great). My prepar3d v4.5 KLAS still has runways 25L and 25R in the CDU when using PMDG 737, so I tune into those frequencies listed on the CDU and it picks up, but the plane does not descend into landing on those runways. It only descends (nose dives) when I’m about 2 NM from the airport. I know that the true runaways are 26L and 26R, but I don’t get those options in the CDU. I am assuming if the correct runways and ILS are programmed correctly, it would solve the issue. Do you know how I can fix this issue? I thought the software would have automatically updated the settings.... I did have to turn off some files to get it to work with Orbx, but I cant imagine that's the issue... I could be wrong.
Posts: 12

Re: ILS Runway Issue - Still getting Runway 25 in CDU

Post by stro19 » Mon May 18, 2020 11:09 am

Have you tried updating to the latest Navigraphs FMS Data, cycle 2005.
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