City Buildings partially floating in the air

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Posts: 5

City Buildings partially floating in the air

Post by blaunarwal » Wed Aug 28, 2019 7:32 am

I have part of the city in the air about 1000 ft above ground. I reduced special effects for the city and the amount of buildings in the air reduced. I still have some glasses of an airport building hanging in the air. I could not test completely but I think I have it only if I start the sim at Nellis AFB. If I started at KLAS there was no such problem.
Also all other old Vegas Sceneries (I had Aerosoft installed) is removed and ORBX SOCAL KLAS files are disabled. I have an i7K9700, 32GB RAM, GTX 1080 with 8GB. Is that really not enough for this scenery? I'd like to have all effects on.
Any hints, what I could do?


P.S. it is definitely only if I start a flight at Nellis KLSV. I heard, other new sceneries with PBR have similar effects.

Would love to add a pic, but as a new user, I´m not allowed to.
Posts: 37

Re: City Buildings partially floating in the air

Post by martyjr » Tue Sep 03, 2019 11:13 am


I took a screenshot of the KLAS floaters.
KLAS-floaters.JPG (124.92 KiB) Viewed 4037 times
Posts: 5

Re: City Buildings partially floating in the air

Post by blaunarwal » Wed Sep 04, 2019 1:28 pm

Thanks, that´s the way it looks. It also appears sometimes starting at KLAS then flying around some time. Suddenly the buildings start to float.
Posts: 19

Re: City Buildings partially floating in the air

Post by tooting » Wed Oct 02, 2019 5:08 am

why doesnt anyone ever bother to check these threads
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Posts: 1626

Re: City Buildings partially floating in the air

Post by emilios[flytampa] » Wed Oct 02, 2019 10:54 am

Can you navigate close to the airport please? I think I see some mesh issues as well.
Although these floaters may be related to PBR materials. Do you get them when you boot the sim at KLAS?
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