water runway

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Posts: 27

water runway

Post by phmcr » Wed Oct 03, 2018 7:02 am

Can you send me the EHAM AFCAD without the water runway 18/36?
I have tried to remove it but can't. ADE won't allow it.
Don't know why ever the author added this because EHAM does not have a water runway.
Trouble is however, my PMDG NGX is sent there very often by default P3D ATC although it directs all AI to the land runways. It is just not real.
PMDG says it is not the NGX
Removal of the water runway would solve it.

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Posts: 1626

Re: water runway

Post by emilios[flytampa] » Thu Oct 04, 2018 12:58 pm

can you please specify what you mean by water runway? they are all asphalt from what i can see here. there is a 'fake' water runway which is used for technical reasons, but ATC shouldn't direct you there-which runway are you getting directed to?
Posts: 27

Re: water runway

Post by phmcr » Fri Oct 05, 2018 1:31 am

That is exactly the one.....
It took me some time to understand what ATC is saying. '36 water'. You don't expect that. But that is the case.
Although I see it is just used in the afcad as some reference runway.

I reworked the afcad into 4 different ones and added the cross wind technique. Works like a charm but with some winds only the user plane is directed there. AI go to the land runways.

Removing is not an option. Well, yes, you can remove it, but the next time you open the afcad it is back in.

I have made many afcads with cross winds, but I don't understand why this water runway is in there for reference.
So I'd gladly so it removed.

Thanks though, enjoy EHAM very much.
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