FlyAmsterdam v1.1
- Christopher Low
- Posts: 40
Re: FlyAmsterdam v1.1
Can someone please respond? Is there a way to determine which version of the airport I have installed?
- Christopher Low
- Posts: 40
Re: FlyAmsterdam v1.1
I guess that I will just have to assume that I have version 1.1 installed, and that there is no fix for the "lights across the harbour" issue. Thank you for your time 

- Christopher Low
- Posts: 40
Re: FlyAmsterdam v1.1
I see now that the version number is in the installer name, but that still leaves the "visible lights in the tunnel under the harbour" problem.
- Raphael_Chacon
- Posts: 25
Re: FlyAmsterdam v1.1
emilios[flytampa] wrote:the installer from simmarket will take care of everything, nothing else needed
Is this right for P3DV4? I downloaded from Simmarket those files and im tired of trying things, using vector, moving dummy things to folders, adding ground BGL files to scenery folder, unistalling and reinstalling everything and my view is still this one:
The Files available at Simmarket July 2018 are:
So i unzipped and got the instalation files, which contain the 1.1 Update as you said:
When installing it indicates that it can not find the Main FS Folder, but i continue selecting Main P3DV4.3 Folder and notice it install normally like many other of your sceneries(inside the FlyTampaFolder):
After that, i install HITEX files. Installer also complaints as indicated in the image above, so i pointed it to Main P3DV4.3 folder...
Did not installed P3DV4 Patch so far and continued to the simulator....
Aaaaaaaand, my view is:
Dang!!!! It Worked!!!!!!

I have performed a full PC fresh Re-install so probabbly made some mistakes installing and re-installing, but i still have an elevation problem i think, my airplane loos like sunken below airport lines. Is that normal?
Thanks for support
- nolanpanka
- Posts: 2
Re: FlyAmsterdam v1.1
Same problem over here, it gives me a elevation problem and my sim says that my aircraft has crashed...
- KetoTrim123
- Posts: 1
Re: FlyAmsterdam v1.1
Anyone now where to download the full installer for Amsterdam 1.1?