Hey guys,
I bought AMS about the time It was released and my sim was acting up at that time, so I had to reinstall.
My question is when I load the freshly new installed sim with ONLY orbx global and EU LC, pmdg 737ng and AS 16 (with their texture util) I get around 24 FPS in EHAM and VAS signature shows 2.7GB. I have not made any chances to EHAM via the configurator, but I did install the lite texture pack.
My pc is pretty beefy - 6900k and titan x (pascal) along with 32 gigs of RAM.
Are my FPS and VAS normal in said situation and environment or am I missing or mis-configuring something..
Your input will highly be appreciated.
AMS VAS Related Query.
- emilios[flytampa]
- Site Admin
- Posts: 1626
Re: AMS VAS Related Query.
I think those look pretty normal to me; very similar to what we get here on PMDG.
Especially VAS I would expect it to be a tad higher, perhaps close to 3GB, but since you get it at 2.7GB then great, P3D v3.4 or?
Especially VAS I would expect it to be a tad higher, perhaps close to 3GB, but since you get it at 2.7GB then great, P3D v3.4 or?
Re: AMS VAS Related Query.
Do you have ORBX Vector installed if not those number are normal. With Vector you should have around 3,2Gb of VAS it also depends how you have setup P3D.