Huge VAS issue
Huge VAS issue
Hi, i just got Flytampa amsterdam, and i am having huge VAS issues, the game simply gives me an OOM upon loading the airport, i dont have this type of problem with any airport including Mega airport Frankfurt v2.0.
I have already lowered all my settings, but nothing i can do about it. I would like to know if there is anyway to make the airport a bit more VAS Ligther otherwise it is completely useless, because iven if i format my computer and reinstall Prepar3D, and only install FTX global, i will still have issues with VAS.
I have already lowered all my settings, but nothing i can do about it. I would like to know if there is anyway to make the airport a bit more VAS Ligther otherwise it is completely useless, because iven if i format my computer and reinstall Prepar3D, and only install FTX global, i will still have issues with VAS.
- emilios[flytampa]
- Site Admin
- Posts: 1626
Re: Huge VAS issue
You can try the LITETEX package installer, or try reducing autogen density a bit.
Especially on P3D, there should be very little VAS problems, what is your VAS readings when loading a default airport somewhere?
Especially on P3D, there should be very little VAS problems, what is your VAS readings when loading a default airport somewhere?
Re: Huge VAS issue
Hi emilio.
I have installed the litetex, and i have successfully made a flight from Flytampa Amsterdam to Taxi2gate Munich with my default settings (High Settings). My VAS count as soon as i loaded Flytampa amsterdam was 3,2 or 3,3Gb but it remained almost the same throughout the flight, which is still very high, higher then Frankfurt (Which is a total beast). Per example when loading an addon aircraft like PMDG or Aerosoft , in Lisbon (Using Mega Airport Lisbon V2.0, plus custom scenery and lot of landmarks added) i wont get past 2,7/2,8 Gb. If i load the custom Prepar3D F-22 in the custom Airport, i get like 2,2Gb. Now i am albe to fly off amsterdam, but i need to try if i can land a plane there (Which i seriouly doubt) But scenery is very FPS friendly and looks amazing (Great Job by way
Is there anyway to make the amsterdam scenery a little lighter?
I have installed the litetex, and i have successfully made a flight from Flytampa Amsterdam to Taxi2gate Munich with my default settings (High Settings). My VAS count as soon as i loaded Flytampa amsterdam was 3,2 or 3,3Gb but it remained almost the same throughout the flight, which is still very high, higher then Frankfurt (Which is a total beast). Per example when loading an addon aircraft like PMDG or Aerosoft , in Lisbon (Using Mega Airport Lisbon V2.0, plus custom scenery and lot of landmarks added) i wont get past 2,7/2,8 Gb. If i load the custom Prepar3D F-22 in the custom Airport, i get like 2,2Gb. Now i am albe to fly off amsterdam, but i need to try if i can land a plane there (Which i seriouly doubt) But scenery is very FPS friendly and looks amazing (Great Job by way

Is there anyway to make the amsterdam scenery a little lighter?
- emilios[flytampa]
- Site Admin
- Posts: 1626
Re: Huge VAS issue
Thanks for the detail, glad you could make the trip 
VAS sounds quite high, how are your FlyTampa Configurator settings?
there are some bits there that can increase memory load quite significantly.
also like said previously autogen sliders do help a lot with VAS, just a notch or two down can reduce memory if you're running very hot.

VAS sounds quite high, how are your FlyTampa Configurator settings?
there are some bits there that can increase memory load quite significantly.
also like said previously autogen sliders do help a lot with VAS, just a notch or two down can reduce memory if you're running very hot.
Re: Huge VAS issue
I basically didnt change anything in the configurator settings, my default VAS count is high because i am using a lot of addons aswell, FTX global+vector+openLC , AS16+ASCA, My Traffic 6 , Addon aircraft and FSFX PrecipirFX. But i also have the building and autogen at very dense, i ill try lowering both those bars and see what effect i have on the VAS count on amsterdam becauase it already has a photoreal scenery of amsterdam. Is there anyway to turn off the photoreal scenery of amsterdam without having any problems with the airport?
- emilios[flytampa]
- Site Admin
- Posts: 1626
Re: Huge VAS issue
Removing photo is likely to bring a lot of autogen into the airport, but if that's your last resort and nothing else works, then I can send over some exclusion to help with that.
- Sydney1962
- Posts: 58
Re: Huge VAS issue
maybe if there is an option in flytampa configurator to swith on/off photoscenery.
Re: Huge VAS issue
i have just lowered my autogen and scenery complexity bars, and i got 3,1 Gb upon loading Prepar3D. I was able to complete a flight from Amsterdam to London Heathrow. I wanted to suggest something, can you guys release an update in which you add a lot more options to the scenery configuration tool, in order to make the scenery a lot smoother in terms of texts, photoscenerys etc... Even create sort of preset options from lower to Higher VAS usages.
- emilios[flytampa]
- Site Admin
- Posts: 1626
Re: Huge VAS issue
The low texture pack combined with minimal config options is really the lowest you can get, and it is pretty low VAS occupation. Any more than that, we'd have to start cutting down essential airport buildings 
i don't htink resamples would save you much to be honest, have you tried removing them from scenery folder and seen a difference? They would be name smth like *TileMap......bgl"

i don't htink resamples would save you much to be honest, have you tried removing them from scenery folder and seen a difference? They would be name smth like *TileMap......bgl"
Re: Huge VAS issue
What do you mean by resamples emilios? And what is the effect of removing those files?
Last edited by simspe on Mon Dec 19, 2016 3:29 pm, edited 1 time in total.
- emilios[flytampa]
- Site Admin
- Posts: 1626
Re: Huge VAS issue
Yeah sorry, stupid developer language 
i meant photoscenery

i meant photoscenery
Re: Huge VAS issue
Well many thanks emilios for your support, and once again congratulations for the amazing work 
I will keep on testing things with scenery , settings and files, and i will give you an update regarding the situation.

I will keep on testing things with scenery , settings and files, and i will give you an update regarding the situation.
Re: Huge VAS issue
I can confirm the high VAS problem. I did 2 full flights in FSX and had OOM errors both times. Airplanes: PMDG 777-200 and PMDG 737-800. Then I loaded up a saved flight near the airport and couldn't even finish that one without FSX crashing. No Autogen, Scenery Detail Distance: Low and Scenery Details: Normal. Low Res Texture Pack is also installed.
The airport looks absolutely amazing but it's pretty much useless at the moment...
The airport looks absolutely amazing but it's pretty much useless at the moment...

- emilios[flytampa]
- Site Admin
- Posts: 1626
Re: Huge VAS issue
If you have no autogen and low detail radius, and have still run into OOM, i would believe your sim installation is exceedingly unstable with or without FT-AMS installedFangzahn wrote:I can confirm the high VAS problem. I did 2 full flights in FSX and had OOM errors both times. Airplanes: PMDG 777-200 and PMDG 737-800. Then I loaded up a saved flight near the airport and couldn't even finish that one without FSX crashing. No Autogen, Scenery Detail Distance: Low and Scenery Details: Normal. Low Res Texture Pack is also installed.
The airport looks absolutely amazing but it's pretty much useless at the moment...