cvxOresund_Terrain.bgl causing major VAS issues

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Posts: 161

cvxOresund_Terrain.bgl causing major VAS issues

Post by WebMaximus » Sat Oct 22, 2016 12:03 pm

I have noticed how the file above seems to cause severe VAS issues when departing from 04R where shortly after takeoff the amount of VAS drops with several hundred MBs.

I always depart with 1 GB VAS or more but then it drops to like 600-700 and not only this but what makes it even worse is P3D once this has happened doesn't manage to recover meaning what you will have leaving the Copenhagen area is what you will have when you get close to your destination and usually it even drops further down along the cruise meaning you won't have more than 400-500 MB left when you get close to your destination. If that too is a payware airport just like EKCH you can guess what will happen...

I've done a number of flights from EKCH-ESSA and they have all ended with me having some 200-400 MB VAS left when I'm established on the ILS at ESSA. At touchdown I've seen VAS values as low as 90 MB left and sometimes that of course results in OOM CTDs while other times it results in the textures at ESSA are rendered in all black.

It's like this tiny little 1KB file both sucks like 300 MB VAS when you get airborne and at the same time cripples P3D's VAS management system. I have tried this with P3D 3.2, 3.3 and 3.4 but the problem remains regardless what version I'm using. The Copenhagen version is 1.4 and I've applied the fixes to address the issue with wrong surface and also the fix to address the triangle found on taxiway B. I have not applied the fix for the crash issue along taxiway M since I have apron detail set to minimum where the fix is only required if apron details is set to high.

A friend of mine is using the same setup without having this issue so it's a real mystery. The only thing I can think of is it's the combination of this file and certain settings for the Copenhagen scenery that causes this issue because we do have the options for Copenhagen set a bit different checking FT Configurator. Interestingly enough his settings are in some regard higher than mine which would logically consume more VAS and not the other way around. For instance he has apron detail set to high if I recall correctly and he also has the static aircraft enabled as well as apron vehicles which I don't have etc etc.

I found an old thread over at Avsim about this particular file and it seems it's still an issue because I have just now completed my first successful flight between EKCH-ESSA in a long time and this is with a healthy amount of VAS left at ESSA (about 700 MB on the ILS and 600 MB parked at the gate) and this is with the cvxOresund_Terrain.bgl file renamed to .off.

I guess I can go on flying with this file disabled because I didn't notice any real cons but would still be nice to know what is the deal with this little file and if you have any plans for an official fix?

I would be more than happy to help you in any way I can to fix this issue once and for all so just let me know if you need any specific details or if you think I can help you test in some other way.
Posts: 3

Re: cvxOresund_Terrain.bgl causing major VAS issues

Post by Fametis » Sun Oct 23, 2016 7:18 am

Hello, I've bought version 1.4 and get huge VAS with default setting so I've reduced settings but still some FPS drops to 2-5 fps with heavy weather. Just Unplayable! Will ask a refund
Posts: 161

Re: cvxOresund_Terrain.bgl causing major VAS issues

Post by WebMaximus » Sun Oct 23, 2016 12:24 pm

What ever it is causing your FPS issues (because I don't have those) I would highly suggest you try to get some help from the guys in here rather than to ask for a refund because this scenery is a really, really nice one so you would be missing out on something good if you don't keep this scenery!
Posts: 3

Re: cvxOresund_Terrain.bgl causing major VAS issues

Post by Fametis » Sun Oct 23, 2016 4:18 pm

Thank you much, I also have a problem with aircraft shadows. No answer from the support. :(
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