Out of memory

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Scandinavian 407
Posts: 7

Out of memory

Post by Scandinavian 407 » Wed Nov 05, 2014 12:28 pm

I first want to thank you for the most beatiful airport I have ever bought in my FS history life :). But I have problems with oom everytime I´m on the approach. I have made the same 1 hour flight between Stavanger and Kastrup and at the same place just outside Saltholm approaching 22L, FSX freezes and then ctd due to oom. The second flight I did i reduced detail via the configurator but it did not help. I know FSX limitations with memory, etc etc, but my FSX.cfg is very well optimized and my computer is high end with Windows 7 64 bit. I do a couple of flights in Europe each month with the NGX and I almost never experiencing oom (I have almost every payware addon you can buy). Recently I did a 11 hour flight between Aerosoft Stavanger and FsDreamteam Houston with the NGX without any problems. Pleeeease look into this so I can start flying again from Copenhagen Kastrup.

Thanks in advance
Last edited by Scandinavian 407 on Wed Nov 05, 2014 1:05 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Posts: 1626

Re: Out of memory

Post by emilios[flytampa] » Wed Nov 05, 2014 12:48 pm

Scandinavian 407 wrote:I first want to thank you for the most beatiful airport I have ever bought in my FS history life :). But I have problems with oom everytime I´m on the approach. I have made the same 1 hour flight between Stavanger and Kastrup and at the same place just outside Saltholm approaching 22L, FSX freezes and then ctd due to oom. The second flight I did i reduced detail via the configurator but it did not help. I know FSX limitations with memory, etc etc, but my FSX.cfg is very well optimized and my computer is high end with Windows 7 64 bit. I do a couple of domestic flights in Europe each month with the NGX and I almost never experiencing oom (I have almost every payware addon you can buy). Recently I did a 11 hour flight between Aerosoft Stavanger and FsDreamteam Houston with the NGX without any problems. Pleeeease look into this so I can start flying again from Copenhagen Kastrup.

Thanks in advance
thanks, glad you like it :)

Couple of checks first:
-are you using 1024 or 2048 textures for Copenhagen?
-Have you tried 'Reset to defauts' from FlyTampa-Configurator?
-AI traffic settings?
-highmemfix=1 in fsx.cfg?
-Any other add-ons installed in the area (i.e. Denmark freeware package ?)
Scandinavian 407
Posts: 7

Re: Out of memory

Post by Scandinavian 407 » Wed Nov 05, 2014 12:57 pm

-are you using 1024 or 2048 textures for Copenhagen?
I´m using 1024
-Have you tried 'Reset to defauts' from FlyTampa-Configurator?
Yes I have
-AI traffic settings?
Ultimate Traffic 2 at 75%
-highmemfix=1 in fsx.cfg?
-Any other add-ons installed in the area (i.e. Denmark freeware package ?)
I have my own photoreal scenery which covers the whole Denmark

Thanks for trying to help but as I said in my previous post, I almost never experience oom and a oom like this have never happened after just one hour flight. I have dozens of dozens of payware airports, scenery etc etc and I´m not a Flightsim novice 8)..I know how to optimize and configure FSX for best performance.
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Posts: 1626

Re: Out of memory

Post by emilios[flytampa] » Wed Nov 05, 2014 1:05 pm

Only thing I can think of is lower AI settings (perhaps in the 40s region-EKCH tends to get too much AI traffic), and temporarily de-activate your Denmark photo scenery, which will be adding some overhead. You should normally be getting anything between 0.3GB-0.6GB of free VAS on approach on the NGX
(assuming you are using max LOD radius & max. autogen & high weather settings)
Scandinavian 407
Posts: 7

Re: Out of memory

Post by Scandinavian 407 » Wed Nov 05, 2014 1:16 pm

Only thing I can think of is lower AI settings (perhaps in the 40s region-EKCH tends to get too much AI traffic), and temporarily de-activate your Denmark photo scenery, which will be adding some overhead. You should normally be getting anything between 0.3GB-0.6GB of free VAS on approach on the NGX.
There are around 16 AI aircafts at the terminal with 75% so that is not the problem. The only place I have to reduce AI percent is when flying to Heathrow, down to 45%.
Deactivating my photoreal scenery will never happen! as I said, I never experience oom like this. I have for example Horizon VFR England, and my own photoreal scenery over Ireland and with UK2000 EGLL or Aerosoft Dublin I have ever had an oom and this with 2+ hour flights. So if no investigation will be done with the airport itself I sadly have to uninstall it :(
Posts: 10

Re: Out of memory

Post by fjacobsen » Wed Nov 05, 2014 2:50 pm

Note that the OOM is not just Fly Tampa EKCH's fault.

The PMDG 737 has a real high VAS usage and adds alot to the problem.

I´m afraid to tell that using photo real scenery WILL cause problems with a high VAS consumers like the 737 NGX.

So the issue is caused by the combined high VAS usage of both the PMDG 737 NGX and EKCH.
No one are to blame - or rather both are to blame.

I have tried to rename the file:
in the...
\..\Microsoft Flight Simulator X\Addon Scenery\FlyTampa-Copenhagen\scenery\

This gave appr. 200-300 Mb extra VAS
You will loose all the houses just to the west and to the north of the airport, but the underlaying photo scenery will remain.

I have also found that toggling back and forth between windowed mode and full screen or vice versa seems to regain som VAS.

I hope that Fly Tampa developers will consider to add options to turn off or reduce more items.

Finn Jacobsen
Scandinavian 407
Posts: 7

Re: Out of memory

Post by Scandinavian 407 » Thu Nov 06, 2014 6:46 pm

Note that the OOM is not just Fly Tampa EKCH's fault.I have tried to rename the file:
in the...
\..\Microsoft Flight Simulator X\Addon Scenery\FlyTampa-Copenhagen\scenery\
folder. I hope that Fly Tampa developers will consider to add options to turn off or reduce more items.
Yep, I´m all aware that it´s not just Flytampas fault why I have OOM, but as I said in my previous post I have not experienced oom like this. But on the other side I have never seen an detailed and beatitful airport in FSX like their creation of Kastrup so of course it need some memory 8)

Disable Copenhagen_city.bgl compete is not an option for me as I don´t like a flat photo scenery. So I had modified the bgl file and reduced all small houses in it to gain memory, still there are a lot of bigger buildings around the airport. I have also reduced some of the 2048 bitmaps down to 1024 and together with almost a minimum of detail in the scenery configurator I have now completed my first flight to Kastrup without oom :D :D . Maybe Flytampa should have an a option in the scenery configurator to reduce the amount of buildings around the airport and option for smaller bitmaps, especially for buildings outside the airport.

I have posted pictures at AVSIM from my first flight to Flytampa EKCH , here is the link:
http://forum.avsim.net/topic/455106-sk1 ... a-kastrup/
Posts: 1

Re: Out of memory

Post by simbiosi » Sat Nov 08, 2014 6:04 pm

Today after a nice event on vatsim with a lots of traffic, taxing to the gate I had a crash.
On the second attempt I disable every possible memory squeezer and even the City.
I menage to land successfully and taxing to the gate.
I hope that also the city will be add to the scenery configurator for an easy switch off and on.
Thank's for the great scenery
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Posts: 1626

Re: Out of memory

Post by emilios[flytampa] » Mon Nov 10, 2014 12:29 pm

Also, you can always consider switching to 'Autogen Trees' (in FlyTampa-Configurator), and then you'd be able to control vegetation density via the autogen slider. A 'normal' setting in Autogen shall reduce VAS as well.
Scandinavian 407
Posts: 7

Re: Out of memory

Post by Scandinavian 407 » Mon Nov 10, 2014 4:21 pm

I still have problems with OOM, now when I fly at night and when trying to land at EKCH after only one hour of flight. I have everything set on a minimum in the configurator, I have decreased settings in FSX and of 4 flights they all ended with OOM. In my latest flight I disabled Copenhagen_city. bgl completly but still it ended with a crash. I´m now using a VAS monitor wich is connected to FSX via wideclient on my second PC. I have between 900-1000mb free vas during cruise and when descending. It´s when I´m getting near the airport VAS rapidly decreases from 900mb, first to around 590mb -> then a few miles out from the runway at 3000ft I have around 300mb and when I get closer to the runway it decreases down to 120mb -> At 100 feet just before touchdown I have black flickering on ground textures and I have also noticed this on parts on the sea when flying at daytime -> then slide show with 1.9 fps and ctd due to OOM

I will now uninstall Flytampa EKCH and go back to EKCH by another company, which is far away detailed as FT but I can at least land there. I´m very dissapointed and I really hope action will be taken and solve this problem, and yes there is a problem with the airport which drains memory. I have spending severeral days, using different type of settings, disabled buildings, etc etc etc but it always ended with OOM. There is nothing more I can do now and I know I´m not the only one having OOM with this airport.

Posts: 6

Re: Out of memory

Post by CurtS » Tue Nov 11, 2014 2:32 am

There is nothing more I can do now and I know I´m not the only one having OOM with this airport.
I have the same problem with OOM. Have also done all adjustments to the settings. Nothing really helps.

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