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by torontorob
Fri Jun 22, 2018 2:43 pm
Forum: FlyTampa-Toronto
Topic: Poor frame rates
Replies: 4
Views: 5871

Re: Poor frame rates

Can you list some recommendations of your P3DV4.2 settings that gets you close to 100FPS? Which are the major frame rate killers that I should pay close attention to? I would be happy with 30FPS, as long as it is smooth with no stuttering. Your advice would be greatly appreciated. Thanks for taking ...
by torontorob
Fri Jun 22, 2018 7:51 am
Forum: FlyTampa-Montreal
Topic: No Taxi way lines, runway lines, or gate lines
Replies: 3
Views: 3652

No Taxi way lines, runway lines, or gate lines

Hi, There are no more taxi way lines, runway lines, or lines that line you up with the gate. My scenery would crash about 5 minutes after taking off from runway 06 in Montreal. I deleted some files as per another post  Delete: Prepar3D/FlyTampa/Montreal/scenery/ 2 files named Rwy06R-papi.bgl & R...
by torontorob
Fri Jun 22, 2018 7:44 am
Forum: FlyTampa-Toronto
Topic: Poor frame rates
Replies: 4
Views: 5871

Poor frame rates

Hi, The Toronto scenery is spectacular, but I am getting very poor frame rates. I average around 11-12 FPS, which creates lots of stuttering. Any suggestions, or setting adjustments I can make to keep the look, but get better performance? By comparison, for FlyTampa Montreal I am getting 20-22FPS. I...