I'm very impressed with this scenery and the effort put into it. As a ramp agent at yyz, it puts a smile on my face to recognize some of the features I see everyday.
There are some gates that are incorrectly labeled and some changes to the remote stands "Hotel Gates".
Btw, the Infield Terminal is not is use since the completion of Terminal 1.
For Terminal 1, the biggest thing is the US Trans-border gates. From Gate 181 it should be as follows: 181, 168(168A), 166(166A), 1660(166B), 164(164A), 1640(164B), 162, 160, 191, 193, 246. The brackets are what they are in real life, but due to fsx limitations, just add zero. Gate 168B is only for the very rare occasion when a 767 parks there. Other than that, it is usually a regional jet on 168A. Gate 244 can be removed from the afcad only as it is never used due the the occupation of 193. So the last Gate with a jet bridge at terminal 1 is 193 ( which is in the corner). In the current afcad, gate 193 is sitting in 191's spot etc.
Gates 173 & 175 are A380 gates.
The H Gates( "Hotel gates") have rearranged. These gates are Terminal 1 overflow parking and overnight parking. All the spots that were in the "horse shoe area" have been reduced to six wide body spots ( Boeing 777 and under) Therefore H1 to H6. H12 and onward are now H7 to H12. Btw, the new H6 is an A380 spot.
The A gates (ALPHA gates") are currently not in use but renovations are underway, finally, to make is operational again soon.
I have a corrected afcad that covers all the changes and the parking as I see it and that includes parking codes. The parking situation here in yyz is not that straight forward, but I have managed to get it to look as close to reality as possible. If I can post it with your permission...
Gate corrections
Re: Gate corrections
I would be very interested in this afcad! Youd deffinitely have the best input for day to day ops!