Boeing warehouse model for 3rd runway project

Posts: 23

Boeing warehouse model for 3rd runway project

Post by mole_man99 » Mon Dec 24, 2012 10:25 am

I have added the large building that can be seen on approach to runways 16, which appears to be a Boeing facility.

It is designed to also work with the 3rd runway pack blessed by Flytampa but not supported by them (links below for convenience). We fiddle at our own risk.

Here are some screenshots of what you can now see on approach to this great Flytampa scenery if you download this additional freeware pack.




The new Boeing warehouse facility can be downloaded from

The third runway extension from

This thread may help you if you have issues after the third runway install. As far as I am aware the issues discussed have all been corrected by the current pack.
Posts: 22

Re: Boeing warehouse model for 3rd runway project

Post by A320DRIVER » Sun Dec 30, 2012 3:57 pm

Tried this new offering. The addition of the building is very nice. Thanks for that. I also downloaded the latest 3rd runway package and installed per the read-me. As before, I still have the taxiways disappearing as I travel over that 3rd runway and the area surrounding it. I have read thru the discussion on this and have not found anything that is a correction. This is the only problem I have with this 3rd rwy add on, but it makes it a game stopper for me. Any help or ideas very welcome.
Posts: 23

Re: Boeing warehouse model for 3rd runway project

Post by mole_man99 » Tue Jan 01, 2013 4:31 pm

Sorry it's giving you trouble. I am not an airport developer. Just bashing around with the tools available.

I fixed the disappearing taxiways for my system with new heights in the flatten and the afcad.

If you downloaded and installed '', then you have the fix already, and I have no idea why it won't work for you.

If you downloaded an earlier version, then you can update with the fixed files with this patch

Hope you can get it working.