Apologies to my FS9ners, whilst I still obtain a fully load HD dedicated to FS9, I've moved on and up to a New HD just for FSX. (I've yet make visual comparison between the two, because I've been enthralled with FSX). If this is what is to come I can no longer subscribe to my comments with regards to holding out for FS9...after this I want more and I'm still exploring. Perhaps someone else can drop in some pics from FS9.
Seriously....This is what??? hey didn't someone tell you don't mix oil and water:) Impressive
http://i1046.photobucket.com/albums/b46 ... OT_489.jpg
http://i1046.photobucket.com/albums/b46 ... OT_492.jpg
http://i1046.photobucket.com/albums/b46 ... OT_496.jpg
http://i1046.photobucket.com/albums/b46 ... OT_500.jpg
http://i1046.photobucket.com/albums/b46 ... OT_502.jpg
http://i1046.photobucket.com/albums/b46 ... OT_504.jpg
Jubilation in Dubai (FSX)
Re: Jubilation in Dubai (FSX)
I'd like to see this FS9 shot in FSX (I masked out the water and forgot to put it back in when upping the contrast!)