Just Wondering
Just Wondering
I was just wondering if anyone on this forum knows what is going on with the Pilot's L-1011 (www.fsim.net)? On www.simw.com they had it listed with a release date set in April. As that date approached they changed it to May 2nd. Now its not even on there. FSim has screenshots dated back to 2005 and the plane looks really nice. Anyone know whats going on? Thanks.
I think they are going to release it in a special package deal with Simflyers Boeing Field scenery, which should be out any time now.
Seriously, though, I think I remember seeing that years ago, but I gave up waiting on that one. The pictures did look nice.
If you are interested in a nice L1011, check out Aerosim. I bought a package from them and it included both the L1011-1 and the L1011-500, not to mention a DC10-30, DC10-40, and a DC8. They were very nicely done, and each aircraft had a stunning virtual cockpit included (a strong selling point for me). If I remember, the whole pack only cost 20 dollars. It's a great value for what all is included.

Seriously, though, I think I remember seeing that years ago, but I gave up waiting on that one. The pictures did look nice.
If you are interested in a nice L1011, check out Aerosim. I bought a package from them and it included both the L1011-1 and the L1011-500, not to mention a DC10-30, DC10-40, and a DC8. They were very nicely done, and each aircraft had a stunning virtual cockpit included (a strong selling point for me). If I remember, the whole pack only cost 20 dollars. It's a great value for what all is included.
I took a look at them. The models seem nice but when compared to the real thing, I think Pilot's has em beat.....especially with the panels. I'm a real life pilot so I tend to be a little critical with the panels. The panels remind me of Perfect Flight's aircraft. I got PF's Boeing 717 back in 2003 and was really disappointed. I don't even bother to keep it installed. I guess we'll just have to wait and see if its released this month. I didn't see anything about it packaged with Boeing Field though. I thought that project was aborted.