Why not a new KATL or KORD scenery ?

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moms the pilot
Posts: 42

Why not a new KATL or KORD scenery ?

Post by moms the pilot » Thu Jan 05, 2006 2:43 pm

Hey guys who d'like FT to design a new KATL or KORD scenery (I ll prefer kord ) as one of the last sceneries for fs9 or to be one of the first good addon for fsX ?
Posts: 16

Post by FL250_Mike » Thu Jan 05, 2006 3:56 pm

neither cause both are being done by SimFlyers. The link is http://www.simflyers.net

Also those airports are not any favorite of mine. (but thats my opinion)
moms the pilot
Posts: 42

Post by moms the pilot » Thu Jan 05, 2006 4:08 pm

I know that they re done by simflyers I got both under fs9 and they are not fantastic
I like both of those airports for their busy atmosphere they render and I think at least one shoud be done by FT
I understand LAX won't be done by FT because it represents for sure a big amount of work to make it compatible with megascenery but take a look at simflyers atlanta : the databases are those of a year around 1999 maybe , the ground textures are "horrible" , the fps are "terrifying" and the building modelising is very medium...atlanta shoud really get what it aims to: a brand new scenery by FT ...
the same goes for kord
Posts: 409

Post by gunsontheroof » Thu Jan 05, 2006 6:10 pm

moms the pilot wrote:I understand LAX won't be done by FT because it represents for sure a big amount of work to make it compatible with megascenery
Not to mention that it's a huge amount of work without megascenery...Martin and George have both hinted that they aren't much interested in working on mega-hubs like LAX, ORD, ATL, etc. That doesn't mean it won't happen, but I have my doubts. Perhaps when FS10 comes out, it will be considered, but I would make a pretty handsome wager that you're not going to see either of these airports done by FlyTampa for FS9. This is the third thread that you've created to ask for these airports...let it go.
Posts: 76

Post by KPryor » Thu Jan 05, 2006 6:14 pm

My wish list would include a FlyTampa KSTL and KIND. I have freeware KSTL scenery and it is very nice, but I think FT would do a great job with it. I know that there is a payware KIND out there, but I'm not impressed with it from the screenshots I've seen.
Posts: 16

Post by Evan321 » Fri Jan 06, 2006 12:11 am

Why not JFK? Simflyers doesn't have a v2 planned and the v1 is from FS2000.
Posts: 1

Post by B767 » Mon Jan 09, 2006 4:49 pm

yeah but isn't there a freeware JFK scenery?

My wish is: First of all; Zurich, L.A. , Atlanta, JFK or O'Hare
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