- Posts: 2121
by skydvdan » Tue Jul 25, 2006 1:18 am
jonwop wrote:what happend to simflyers
Who knows. Obviously they are having personal problems. Hopefully they'll get them sorted out and get back on track.

- Posts: 319
by Jacek » Tue Jul 25, 2006 7:48 am
Someone ripped them on their forum big time, using obscenities and such, that's probably the reason why the forum is gone.
Ps. I still don't have my fix for Megascenery for DC area, the SF KIAD is pretty much unusable without it. Bummer.

- Posts: 1612
by paavo » Tue Jul 25, 2006 8:58 am
Jacek wrote:Someone ripped them on their forum big time, using obscenities and such, that's probably the reason why the forum is gone.
Ps. I still don't have my fix for Megascenery for DC area, the SF KIAD is pretty much unusable without it. Bummer.

The simflyer forum went downhill a month ago, to bad because Boeing field was looking good.
- Posts: 319
by Jacek » Wed Jul 26, 2006 1:26 pm
Does anyone have a decent AFCAD with crosswind runways for ORD? I'd appreciate it a lot.

- Posts: 13
by SWVA5630 » Thu Jul 27, 2006 2:31 am
I got the KPHX scenery and it keeps acting like I am taxiing/taking off on dirt/grass and I can't use FSPassengers so I uninstalled it. No probs with the FlyTampa sceneries though. They are great!
- Posts: 181
by aarskringspier » Thu Jul 27, 2006 9:37 am
SWVA5630 wrote:I got the KPHX scenery and it keeps acting like I am taxiing/taking off on dirt/grass and I can't use FSPassengers so I uninstalled it. No probs with the FlyTampa sceneries though. They are great!
Do you use Ultimate terrain? If so just move UT below all the aireal photos in your scenery index and it will clear it up. I had to do that with FLy Seattle.
- Posts: 305
by MD11Forever » Thu Jul 27, 2006 10:27 am
SWVA5630 wrote:I got the KPHX scenery and it keeps acting like I am taxiing/taking off on dirt/grass and I can't use FSPassengers so I uninstalled it. No probs with the FlyTampa sceneries though. They are great!
Yes, as Randy mentioned this is a problem with the order oy your scenery layers, rather than any issue with the scenery itself.
- Posts: 8
by vegasflyboy2004 » Sun Jul 30, 2006 4:54 am
I tried moving KPHX up, down, and sideways in my scenery folder, to no avail. It always acted like I was taxiing in the dirt, and my FsPassengers always docked me points for landing off the runway. I moved it out of my folder and just started flying in and out of the default. Oh well...
- Posts: 318
by Dimon » Sun Jul 30, 2006 7:22 am
So get rid off this childish crap called FSPassengers. Or just delete KPHX.
- Posts: 8
by vegasflyboy2004 » Mon Jul 31, 2006 2:31 am
If you read my post again, you will see that I deleted KPHX and am using the default again. Also, FsPassengers happens to be a great program that adds a lot of fun to the sim. You are entitled to your opinion of course, but no need to be rude about it.
- Posts: 1235
by MidgeyMidget2 » Mon Jul 31, 2006 3:50 pm
Dimon wrote:So get rid off this childish crap called FSPassengers. Or just delete KPHX.
CALM DOWN and what is "childish crap" supposed to mean. It adds a lot of realism to flight sim and no other program matches up to it.