Posts: 1


Post by romanesque2000 » Wed Jun 07, 2006 8:39 am

I have a question.... Have you guys considered making aFLYDFW. I think its greatly needed. DFW seems to be an unappreciated airport. Its recent renovations including the new terminal shouldn't go unnoticed. Is anyone thinking about a DFW scenery? :) Have a nice day.

Posts: 86

Post by tjsynkral » Wed Jun 07, 2006 6:05 pm


1. Default MSFT scenery - while not great - is quite good GMAX + satellite photo scenery.

2. MSFT scenery is likely to improve for FSX.

3. FlyTampa don't usually do big airports like this because at a quality level any higher than the MSFT scenery you already have, you would get 10 or less FPS on any current video card. This is why LGA isn't getting done :(
Posts: 1

Post by AAL149(Jorge) » Sun Jun 18, 2006 10:11 pm

Ok agree the MFS DFW scnery is great but is not up to date, and yes it maybe only one terminal missing which is Terminal D, but many many American flights arrived and depart from there spcecially international ones.
Gary Hayes
Posts: 10

Post by Gary Hayes » Tue Jun 20, 2006 10:14 pm

There is an update on the avsim file librady for T-D
Posts: 118

Post by tbmavengerstuka » Tue Jun 20, 2006 10:39 pm

don't do big airorts??? KMIA is big, so is KSEA. maybe smaller than KDFW, but i think anyone can mess around with the sliders so that they will get the desired FPS. LGA would be a good choice, i'm sure. In fact, as long as its by Flytampa, and not simflyers, it doesn't matter what comes next.

PS: thanks sooo much for makeing KBOS freeware. Great Airport and great scenery. Keep up the good work.
Posts: 1612

Post by paavo » Tue Jun 20, 2006 10:53 pm

tbmavengerstuka wrote:don't do big airorts??? KMIA is big, so is KSEA. maybe smaller than KDFW, but i think anyone can mess around with the sliders so that they will get the desired FPS. LGA would be a good choice, i'm sure. In fact, as long as its by Flytampa, and not simflyers, it doesn't matter what comes next.

PS: thanks sooo much for makeing KBOS freeware. Great Airport and great scenery. Keep up the good work.
This is from Martin, post is dated feb 2006
martin wrote: The current status of LGA is "on hold".

I did start developing LGA over a year ago, however it quickly became evident that this location is doomed to be a frame-pit (low fps). Nowadays things look a little brighter for LGA due to faster processor speeds however I will wait until FSX to reassess the situation.
Posts: 13

Post by SWVA5630 » Wed Jul 12, 2006 10:46 pm

How about KDAL? Now that the Wright Ammendment has been lifted and airlines can fly in and out of there without having to stop inside Texas it would be a great one. Plus the fact that it really isn't that big of an airport. Especially when compared to KDFW. :shock:
Posts: 409

Post by gunsontheroof » Wed Jul 12, 2006 11:39 pm

tbmavengerstuka wrote:don't do big airorts??? KMIA is big, so is KSEA. maybe smaller than KDFW, but i think anyone can mess around with the sliders so that they will get the desired FPS. LGA would be a good choice, i'm sure. In fact, as long as its by Flytampa, and not simflyers, it doesn't matter what comes next.

PS: thanks sooo much for makeing KBOS freeware. Great Airport and great scenery. Keep up the good work.
He ment "big" as in total area...MIA isn't nearly as big as DFW, and SEA could probably fit inside the DFW property boundaries three or four times. Martin and George have stated that it's difficult to do airports this big "the Fly Tampa way" before (re: MCO if I recall correctly).

If nothing else, this is the third or fourth DFW request on the forums. Don't hold your breath.
Posts: 1235

Post by MidgeyMidget2 » Thu Jul 13, 2006 3:22 pm

Houston Hobby would be nice for people that fly southwest out of Midway. I usually don't make requests and this isn't a real request, I'm just stating that anyone out there should make a decent Houston Hobby Airport. That's my two cents.
Posts: 13

Post by SWVA5630 » Sun Jul 16, 2006 3:22 am

the crazy thing is, even with no more Wright Ammendment, SWA still doesn't fly KMDW-KDAL.
Posts: 89

Post by dandude22 » Sun Jul 16, 2006 8:03 am

SWVA5630 wrote:the crazy thing is, even with no more Wright Ammendment, SWA still doesn't fly KMDW-KDAL.
Doesn't the compromise need congressional approval?
Posts: 13

Post by SWVA5630 » Sun Jul 16, 2006 12:17 pm

guess not because they are already flying non-stops out of KDAL to destinations out of state. :D Not to many destinations yet, but it'll probably get better since SWA only flies into KDAL and not DFW. Here ya go. ... R4.dal.pdf
Posts: 89

Post by dandude22 » Sun Jul 16, 2006 2:33 pm

SWVA5630 wrote:guess not because they are already flying non-stops out of KDAL to destinations out of state. :D Not to many destinations yet, but it'll probably get better since SWA only flies into KDAL and not DFW. Here ya go. ... R4.dal.pdf
They've always been able to fly to of Texas' four neighboring states, and a few months ago they were allowed to fly out of Missouri.
Posts: 13

Post by SWVA5630 » Sun Jul 16, 2006 10:00 pm

Damn, learn something new every day. How I read the Wright Ammendment was that a commercial airline could not fly to any airport outside of Texas from LOVE field without first stopping at another airport within Texas. Guess I need to reread it.
Last edited by SWVA5630 on Sun Jul 16, 2006 11:49 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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