What´s the next Airport ?

Posts: 25

Post by Sundog » Sat Mar 18, 2006 9:16 pm

Cloud9 Just released images of KLAX (OK, I posted here first and saw the other KLAX thread afterward ;) ) they are working on. I would love to see FT do another European city, though for more regional flights from Vienna. Is there a good Geneva out there? If not FT could do that. it doesn't really matter, though. If it says FT on the label, it will be good for me. :)
Lee James
Posts: 6

The next airport ?

Post by Lee James » Wed Mar 22, 2006 3:11 pm


I believe that Heathrow Airport should at least be on the table ! :D The current offering from Gary Summons is very good but is showing its age now.

Very few developers have really looked at Heathrow and it is, for us Brits at least, a neglected airport, despite it being the busiest International Airport in the world!

The Vienna scenery shows just how good scenery for FS can be now and there is no doubt in my mind and in the minds of many, that FlyTampa have the credentials to do the job as far as Heathrow is concerned.

Access to data, photos and other information should not be a problem.

Just my two cents here .... Anyway, here's hoping that the Team here will at least consider it.

Thanks for listening!


kind regards,

Lee James
Didier Chabanne
Posts: 79

airport free

Post by Didier Chabanne » Fri Mar 24, 2006 10:35 pm

Salut j'aimerai que le prochaine Aeroport que ce sois

KATL ou bien Zurich free comme boston


CSTT :wink:
Wouter Enders
Posts: 8

Post by Wouter Enders » Sat Mar 25, 2006 8:12 am

I hope it would be Bangkok or Kuala Lumpur
Posts: 90

Post by Rafal » Sat Mar 25, 2006 12:45 pm

nice that we all are sharing our dreams and wishes here.
I, for instance, would like a European airport, doesn't matter much which one, since anything Flytampa do will be outstanding.

However, I'm sure the Team already know and they have their own vision already working on it. So I don't think our begging is going to be listened to. :wink:

Best regards,
Posts: 2121

Post by skydvdan » Sat Mar 25, 2006 4:23 pm

VORJAB wrote:So I don't think our begging is going to be listened to.
Unforunately, you're wasting your breath on deaf ears. :-(
Lee James
Posts: 6

Post by Lee James » Sun Mar 26, 2006 2:51 am

Hello Rafal,
...nice that we all are sharing our dreams and wishes here.
I, for instance, would like a European airport, doesn't matter much which one, since anything Flytampa do will be outstanding.
Yep, I agree...
However, I'm sure the Team already know and they have their own vision already working on it. So I don't think our begging is going to be listened to.
Don't agree with that. Whats the point of having an open forum if such discussions can't take place ? Have not seen this thread deleted with or witout an explanation yet so I assume its not offending the guys at FT.

There is nothing wrong with people commenting about what they would like to see in FS - usually, its this sort of inoffensive and out-of-the-blue post that is seen on a forum somewhere that sometimes inspires a group of people such as FT to go ahead and create the unexpected!

Take care,


Lee James
Posts: 1

Post by adrenaliniv » Sun Mar 26, 2006 11:04 am

Hi all,

also from me, i will expact a Zurich LSZH Scenery from fly Tampa. Realy Flylocig has a Scenery, but this is a verry Framerateeater. You lost up to 10 Frames/s with this scenery. A Fly Tampa Scenery from Zurich was verry cool, due i know, they are framerate friendly.

I hope you can build LSZH, the Airport in Europe Hearth, and im shure this give verry much clients for this

Greez from Alps

Posts: 1

Post by Pilotgregster » Mon Mar 27, 2006 9:05 am

I'm in with Lee on this one. Heathrow would be great! :wink:
Playa 2k6 GER
Posts: 25

Post by Playa 2k6 GER » Sat Apr 01, 2006 9:46 am

yes Heathrow was a very good Idea.

But it gives any more Freeware or any Payware Scenery but it was soooo bad.

And it was a very big and International Airport. Perfekt for FLYTAMPA.

I see the logo..

FlyLondon or FlyHeathrow

and then when you make this Scenery, you can make for a spezial the London City.

But i have a good IDEA.

You can make the Airport WSSS (Singapore) or VHHH (Hong Kong).

That was a very good IDEA.

I hope you make fast a new Scenery.

greeze from Germany.

Timm Rehberg
Posts: 27

Post by motormadness » Sat Apr 01, 2006 12:33 pm

I hate to burst your bubble but there is already a London scenery done by OSS.
Posts: 7

Post by GabyBee » Sat Apr 01, 2006 1:08 pm

Personally, I'd like to see something like a "shuttle series" with KDCA and KLGA together in a package to complement the KBOS scenery. But like everyone else, thats what **I** want.

Chances are, the designers at FlyTampa already have an idea on what scenery they're going to do next, and I can tell you from experience (working with Vista Liners) that most designers dont pay much attention to any kind of request stuff... But that doesn't mean its still fun to ask :wink:
Posts: 2121

Post by skydvdan » Sat Apr 01, 2006 1:08 pm

motormadness wrote:I hate to burst your bubble but there is already a London scenery done by OSS.
Even better is the one by Visualflight.
Posts: 13

Next Airport

Post by JoMoRo » Mon Apr 03, 2006 5:48 am

Playa 2k6 GER wrote:yes Heathrow was a very good Idea.

But it gives any more Freeware or any Payware Scenery but it was soooo bad.

And it was a very big and International Airport. Perfekt for FLYTAMPA.

I see the logo..

FlyLondon or FlyHeathrow

and then when you make this Scenery, you can make for a spezial the London City.

But i have a good IDEA.

You can make the Airport WSSS (Singapore) or VHHH (Hong Kong).

That was a very good IDEA.

I hope you make fast a new Scenery.

greeze from Germany.

Timm Rehberg

Hi Playa 2k6 GER,

a release of the airports of Singapore and VHHH (Hong Kong) would be great, but Cloud9 announced that they are working on a release of Hong Kong International.

Here the link:


Unfortunately there are not any screenshots available.

But I believe we are very keen on this scenery, isn´t it?!?!?

Nevertheless back to the Topic "Next Airport":

Well I know the chance are very very bad for a release of an exotic International Airport like Mumbai (Bombay), Colombo (Sri Lanka) or other interesting airports which didn´t get any chance to be released, even not as a freeware;-(((((((
But after the release of the great Dubai Airport we could be anxious to the next release.


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