Dimon wrote:MSFS is neither Duke Nukem nor Quake. It doesn't need powerful GPU. It runs pretty good with good-old AGP. So, I think investments in in graphic cards for Fs is waste of money (unless you're big fan of wet runways - the feauture that will not be supported by addon scenery developers for year or two after FSX hit the shelves) .CPU + RAM: that's what we need for FS. Fortunately, Intel slowed down its "GHZ Race" and prices are getting down.
And guys, $5000 PC is a myth. Just don't buy in either Best Buy or Circuit City.

Your very right, FS isn't Nukem or QIV. It is more and a lot more intensive. That is why I can run HL at 100 FPS and FS at 20 max with all the sliders running all the way right.
I went from a 128mb Ti4600 to a 6600 and I am telling you that while the 4600 ran FS2k2 just fine it bogged in FS9. And when I upgraded to the 6600 it was just like I bought a brand new computer, in speed and image quality - for many tech spec reasons - fill rate, bandwidth ect.
The $5000 computer isn't a myth at all. Go to Alienware or one of the other rare vendors that you can build a FOUR SLI 7800 512 MB (right there is thousands alone). You can build a $6 or $7 thousand dollar computer, if you like.
I am not sold on SLI technology. On the FSX deve blog one guy goes into allot of detail on why SLI may not make that much difference to FS9 or X, for that matter. "May not" is the key words. Marginal was more like what he was talking about. Modern SLI isn't anything like the old Voodoo 2 SLI, in any way. True old school SLI processes every other line on a single card. The new way is half screen on one card and half screen on the other. According to the blog, the old way may be better for FSX.
Just some thoughts.