Las Vegas v1.2 Update [MSFS]
Re: Las Vegas v1.2 Update [MSFS]
Did a clean install of version 1.2 and all buildings missing as well, nothing else in my community folder.
Re: Las Vegas v1.2 Update [MSFS]
ILS 26L brings you to short on final LOC is ok but GS is not correct
Re: Las Vegas v1.2 Update [MSFS]
Reported the same in a separate post (viewtopic.php?f=34&t=14352) - didn't see the comment here until now.
Re: Las Vegas v1.2 Update [MSFS]
While installing MSFS2020 the Installation Manager appears saying:
Some packages in your community folder may not have updated and, as a result, may have an unexpected impact on the title's performance and behaviour. Please move your community package (s) to another folder before relaunching the title if you suffer from stability issues or long loading times.
Question: Does that mean we have to move temporarily Flytampa packages from Community MFS folder? Or, can we install Flytampa sceneries in a different folder?
Some packages in your community folder may not have updated and, as a result, may have an unexpected impact on the title's performance and behaviour. Please move your community package (s) to another folder before relaunching the title if you suffer from stability issues or long loading times.
Question: Does that mean we have to move temporarily Flytampa packages from Community MFS folder? Or, can we install Flytampa sceneries in a different folder?