Some words of flickering ground textures..

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Posts: 4

Some words of flickering ground textures..

Post by Thomas » Thu Jan 12, 2006 2:09 pm

First; Thank you much for an exellent freeware making of Logan Airport!

Now, something I've noticed - been flying the PMDG 747, PSS 777 and the LVL D 767 to different parts of the FlyTampa world and it seems that on flights longer than 5 hours I always get a flickering ground texture, independent of the panel on use.

Now, just landed in Boston from Frankfurt, Lufthansa 422 in the PMDG 747-400 and the default texture flickered through the gmax ones made by George. The weird part is, if I start my flights from any of the sceneries everything is fine, its always on arrival.

P.S. Framerate is always above 20 in these sceneries, even with PLENTY clouds and more.. so I dont think its a mem/spec problem.

Specs; AMD Athlon 3800+, 2048MB 3200ram, GF 6800GT 256MB videocard.
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Posts: 3867

Post by george[flytampa] » Thu Jan 12, 2006 2:25 pm

I've never seen this happen at Boston.
It's either something else you have installed or a ms bug with gmax ground polys.

I suggest you refresh your scenery about 1 hour before landing on long haul flights. Many users do this to clean up memory leaks anyway.

Has anyone else noticed this? How many of you have made it over from EDDF without any problems?
Posts: 69

Post by Carob » Thu Jan 12, 2006 3:07 pm

How do you refresh the scenery again? I forget.
Posts: 393

Post by B777ER » Thu Jan 12, 2006 3:08 pm

The only flickering I ever see with any of the sceneries (I have them all) is with the water surrounding KSFO on arrival. The water flickers all around the airport but the airport itself is fine. Wierd.
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Posts: 3867

Post by george[flytampa] » Thu Jan 12, 2006 8:30 pm

You can assign a key to refresh the scenery.

Just search through the key assignments menu until you see 'Refresh Scenery'

I'd make it Ctrl + whatever. You don't wanna be hitting that by accident on takeoff.
Posts: 16

Post by FL250_Mike » Thu Jan 12, 2006 8:40 pm

Ive got no problems whatsoever with any of the airports. :D
Posts: 7

Post by Kamikaze » Fri Jan 13, 2006 9:14 am

the runway texture flickers for me in the default schipol amsterdam, just on takeoff and as i touchdown, i doubt its a FlyTampa thing, i just ignore it though, as it dosent happen to me anywhere else..... :|
Posts: 157

Post by windshear » Tue Feb 14, 2006 7:48 am

George I just found this post!
I have flown the exact same flight and crashed each time!!
BUT I then saved the flight when over Canada, and flew it into a flawless approach!

I also had a crash on approach to Frankfurt!

If you locate my post down below, you will see that it was even the same flight :P Lufthansa 422!

I have been recomended to refresh my scenery and so I will try that for my return flight.

Any clues as to what is happening?? New GeForce and FS9 not getting along?

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