What is happening in the world of scenery designers?

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Posts: 318

What is happening in the world of scenery designers?

Post by Dimon » Fri Dec 02, 2005 10:46 am

Simflyers, IMS both missed their deadlines. FT has no news about upcoming projects, Simwings delays new LEMD.

What's wrong? Or everybody is waiting for FSDSv3? :D
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Posts: 3867

Post by george[flytampa] » Fri Dec 02, 2005 12:16 pm

Standards are rising & so are development times. The days of macros & code based default taxiways are long over.

With FS10 likely to support pixel shaders & multi-layered maps, dev times are only going to continue to grow.

Look at it this way.
The first video game I worked on (Team Apache/PC) back in the mid 90s, had about 10 full-time people on the team & a 14month dev time.
Today(Superman Returns/XBOX360, the team is over 150 full-time dev with a 2 year dev time.

& it doesn't help the current fs2004/2002 export toolset is bloody awful :)
Posts: 393

Post by B777ER » Fri Dec 02, 2005 12:56 pm

Or what even fewer people realize...dev's for FS usually have full time jobs outside of FS.
Posts: 27

Re: What is happening in the world of scenery designers?

Post by motormadness » Fri Dec 02, 2005 11:22 pm

Dimon wrote:Simflyers, IMS both missed their deadlines. FT has no news about upcoming projects, Simwings delays new LEMD.

What's wrong? Or everybody is waiting for FSDSv3? :D
Last time I checked, Flytampa never set project deadlines.
Posts: 2121

Re: What is happening in the world of scenery designers?

Post by skydvdan » Sat Dec 03, 2005 8:23 am

Dimon wrote:Simflyers, IMS both missed their deadlines. FT has no news about upcoming projects, Simwings delays new LEMD.

What's wrong? Or everybody is waiting for FSDSv3? :D
I'm pretty sure FT could care less about the release of FSDSv3? I'm sure they already use GMAX or 3DS MAX. Though I am waiting for it.
Posts: 409

Re: What is happening in the world of scenery designers?

Post by gunsontheroof » Sat Dec 03, 2005 12:38 pm

skydvdan wrote:I'm pretty sure FT could care less about the release of FSDSv3.
Yeah, I'm pretty sure too. I think what's going on is that simmers are impatient and insensitive to the fact that scenery designers have other things going on in their lives. Like George said, as sceneries get better, development is only going to take longer.
Posts: 2121

Re: What is happening in the world of scenery designers?

Post by skydvdan » Sat Dec 03, 2005 2:57 pm

gunsontheroof wrote:
skydvdan wrote:I'm pretty sure FT could care less about the release of FSDSv3.
Yeah, I'm pretty sure too. I think what's going on is that simmers are impatient and insensitive to the fact that scenery designers have other things going on in their lives. Like George said, as sceneries get better, development is only going to take longer.
Agreed. :?
Posts: 318

Post by Dimon » Mon Dec 19, 2005 9:07 am

Another sad news - IMS moved KEWR release date to February.
Posts: 16

Post by FL250_Mike » Mon Dec 19, 2005 3:31 pm

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