KaiTak 2.0 (Prepar3D V4)

Posts: 27

Re: KaiTak 2.0 (Prepar3D V4 only)

Post by NBouc » Tue Jul 31, 2018 6:35 pm

randy wrote:I just bought it from this website, i get this weird blue aura around the airport. Any ideas how to get rid of this ?
Go into your P3D "Navigation / Navigation Aids..." menu. You have some navigation aids items selected (probably airspace).
Posts: 5

Re: KaiTak 2.0 (Prepar3D V4 only)

Post by JNissen » Sun Aug 05, 2018 12:31 pm

nkurun wrote:Hi Martin,

I also have the problem of having no ai traffic at Kai Tak. My old WOAI planes are parked at the airport but don't move. Putting in the traffic bgl file you created several years ago for that for FSX also does not work and makes the boat traffic disappear. My Ultimate traffic live program does not generate any traffic at Kai Tak either. Is there any way of getting the WOAI planes to work or any other way of generating ai plane traffic at Kai TakP3D V4?

Best wishes,

Hi Robert

I updated the scenery last night and populated KaiTak with traffic using TrafficDatabaseBuilder and MyTraffic6. I have attached my method.
Setting up new airport traffic.zip
(909 Bytes) Downloaded 592 times
Posts: 14

Re: KaiTak 2.0 (Prepar3D V4 only)

Post by unc1rlm » Sun Aug 05, 2018 12:49 pm

Sorry..I am trying to understand this: I really don't know much about this. What Lorby si Program. The TrafficDataBase Builder is for FS2002? and won't run on this Windows 10 machine.
Would you be so kind as to do this step by step. I am sure this will benefit everyone. When you say :Export your airports using he Lori-SI software

I finally got Traffic 6 to show up. Lots of aircraft on tarmac..will see if anything moves..lol...Update..Got a few moving but anything to make this better etc.etc...know MT6 is old bmp etc but probably will never see a newer MT6 (at least for now..hopefully Burkhard will get better.)

Anyway...I still have the WOAI Aircraft (some) do I really need those with My Traffic? Do you have my Traffic Global yet? Has newer aircraft etc...Anyway...THANK YOU!!!
Bob M.
Posts: 5

Re: KaiTak 2.0 (Prepar3D V4 only)

Post by JNissen » Tue Aug 07, 2018 6:48 am

Good to hear you got traffic in place. :D

I have found that the most traffic is in the morning until around 10AM.

TrafficDatabasebuilder is in the SDK download from prepar3d homepage. This SDK also include the traffic tool which can be implemented into P3d, so you can see what is landing/take off at different airports.

Lorby si is an addon program (think the name is addonOrganizer which can help you to get the encoding right and also give you the possibility to export the complete scenery.cfg (which include all sceneries from all our add-on libraries).

Posts: 14

Re: KaiTak 2.0 (Prepar3D V4 only)

Post by unc1rlm » Tue Aug 07, 2018 7:26 am

Well lets backup....I took out MT6...just too old models. I have FAIB models and WOAI aircraft..there is a website :

There is an excellent japanese website which has retro ai traffic available.
you can download the packages and the included flightplans has VHHX as default Hong Kong airport.
The flightplans are representing 1998 and most models have the old liveries.

https://japan-fsai.com/category/ranmori-retro/ Chrome will translate Japanese..

the aircrafts need to be installed into your AI fleet and the flightplans can be converted with the AIFP tool. Then you will be suprised how busy VHHX is!

Anyway since I have done that VHHX is a ghost town...any ideas where to look to get it to come alive...:)
Bob M.
Posts: 1

Re: KaiTak 2.0 (Prepar3D V4 only)

Post by Deadwing » Mon Sep 03, 2018 2:14 am

Hi Martin
I recently purchased Kia Tak P3dv4 everything is great (Good job) apart from the approach lights for Rwy13
On the approach 088 IGS13 i pick up only 3 lights, the lights that should be there that turn right towards the runway do not appear, I have a friend also with the same problem also P3dv4.
We are both using good powerful pcs both 1080 graphics with 6 core processors.
Hope you can help
Many Thanks
Kind Regards
Ross Elliot
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Posts: 5288

Re: KaiTak 2.0 (Prepar3D V4 only)

Post by martin[flytampa] » Tue Sep 04, 2018 10:20 am

Please post or email me a screenshot of these lights. the 3 lights are constant or flashing? Are they far out starting by the port area?
Posts: 26

Re: KaiTak 2.0 (Prepar3D V4 only)

Post by 331BK » Mon Sep 10, 2018 4:01 am

+1 thank you
Posts: 57

Re: KaiTak 2.0 (Prepar3D V4 only)

Post by carloscq » Wed Oct 24, 2018 9:32 pm

:x :x :x :x :x :x
Old version worked in P3D v4 but having such an update is out of this world!
Endless THANK YOU!
You deserve heaven
My fav airport ever
Posts: 57

Re: KaiTak 2.0 (Prepar3D V4 only)

Post by carloscq » Wed Oct 24, 2018 11:27 pm


Unfortunately, I can't pass from here, this message continues showing every single time!!!!
The sim is not running and it continues showing even after reboot :evil:
I launched the sim and stuck at 6% for the whole life and when finally loaded was the default one, very but very disappointed.

Please provide a solution, thanks
Capture.JPG (17.99 KiB) Viewed 16124 times
Posts: 57

Re: KaiTak 2.0 (Prepar3D V4 only)

Post by carloscq » Thu Oct 25, 2018 12:03 am

Hi again

Though it shows in Fly Tampa folder, the Kai Tak folder should have all these folders inside?

Shouldn't the effects one go in effects root etc?

Why the texture and world inside here?


Capture.JPG (28.72 KiB) Viewed 16124 times
Site Admin
Posts: 5288

Re: KaiTak 2.0 (Prepar3D V4 only)

Post by martin[flytampa] » Thu Oct 25, 2018 12:36 am

carloscq wrote:Hi again

Though it shows in Fly Tampa folder, the Kai Tak folder should have all these folders inside?

Shouldn't the effects one go in effects root etc?

Why the texture and world inside here?


Yes, these folders should all be where they are, its how its done in P3Dv4 opposed to FSX in order to keep addon sceneries self contained without adding files to stock folders.
Site Admin
Posts: 5288

Re: KaiTak 2.0 (Prepar3D V4 only)

Post by martin[flytampa] » Thu Oct 25, 2018 12:37 am

carloscq wrote:HI

Unfortunately, I can't pass from here, this message continues showing every single time!!!!
The sim is not running and it continues showing even after reboot :evil:
I launched the sim and stuck at 6% for the whole life and when finally loaded was the default one, very but very disappointed.

Please provide a solution, thanks

If you get this message at the end of the Installation process (after you say it extracting files etc), you can ignore it, the airport is installed correctly at that point.
Posts: 57

Re: KaiTak 2.0 (Prepar3D V4 only)

Post by carloscq » Thu Oct 25, 2018 6:22 pm

Hi Martin

Thank you.

It worked after I clicked on the Add-to-P3D.cmd "file" though the scenery freezes very often, frame rates not the best, and the whole ambience is different. Buildings are too pale, in the previous version they were more colorful and realistic, inviting to fly in the area, these so white buildings make the city look like any other one, not too appealing and the ambiance of all the area is gone. Some ground textures get blurry and the buildings take a time to load the textures, problems I didn't have at all with the previous version. The lights look awful like giant stars in the poles. I think I had higher expectations. Feel more in love with the previous version. Anyway, I'll make another fly and see if I keep it or revert.

Thank you for caring and replying


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