
Posts: 5

Re: Performance

Post by dnj5535 » Thu Mar 01, 2018 8:40 pm

george[flytampa] wrote:
dnj5535 wrote:George these last 24 hours I been tweaking around with it and I just uninstalled it to reinstall to see if there is any difference. and for me like I said the issue I'm having is the terminal like ex. b36 Medium gate. if I pan around captain side and look left its smooth as butter the second I pan to the first officer side towards the buildings it just rapidly drops to 24 fps. not sure if its the building texture but it definitely still hits no matter what I turn off. BTW the ramp employees only gave me a 1 fps drop. I think I'm getting more FPS loss with the terminal buildings itself than I am with the ramp employees.
You have a better CPU than me, same GFX card. Remove the terminals entirely to see if they really make a difference. They don't cause a 1fps difference here, on or off. More likely, the hit is coming for that BOS skyline & coastline. Or ai planes.

It could be the skyline I’ll try out that terminal suggestion. Beautiful scenery just wish we could have the same FPS as all other flytampa scenery
Posts: 23

Re: Performance

Post by portanav » Fri Mar 02, 2018 1:57 am

george[flytampa] wrote:
portanav wrote:Same for me, but I use a GTX680. My FPS is 30, but when viewing any of the terminals it drops to 11; and that is with nearly everything switched off in config. I found that panning the external view around 360 degrees a few times will bring back the FPS to 30, but after a while it will go back to 11.

It's beautiful scenery, but I'm not pleased at all with the performance.

The GTX680 is your problem. That's a old card from 2012. Running a PMDG as well?
Always our fault. Sigh

Check out the Prepar Settings. Turn off water reflections. Turn down Shadow quality & AI traffic.
George I know my GTX is old and needs to be upgraded, but I have other FlyTampa scenery - Toronto, St.Marteen and Tampa and I don't have any FPS problems with them at all.

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Posts: 3867

Re: Performance

Post by george[flytampa] » Fri Mar 02, 2018 3:06 am

Boston is quite a bit faster than Toronto. So you have something unorthodox going on.
TPA & TNCM I agree will out preform Boston.

I'm exploring a way to boost BOS fps regardless. I don't want to say how yet.
Posts: 8

Re: Performance

Post by Mejjo » Sat Mar 03, 2018 9:48 am

Thank you for the update George,
The airport is fantastic, If you are able to make changes so its a bit more smooth with the terminals in view that would be amazing.

Overally, while waiting for that it won't stop me flying there!
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Posts: 3867

Re: Performance

Post by george[flytampa] » Sat Mar 03, 2018 8:11 pm

I'm still working on something that will boost the performance about +5fps.
The terminals are near negligible in my tests & are optimized already.

It maybe worth mentioning Aerosofts Boston City improves performance over the Microsoft stock city.
Posts: 187

Re: Performance

Post by bradley27 » Sun Mar 04, 2018 7:44 am

george[flytampa] wrote: It maybe worth mentioning Aerosofts Boston City improves performance over the Microsoft stock city.
Now thats interesting
Posts: 9

Re: Performance

Post by gregmorin » Sun Mar 04, 2018 9:24 am

george[flytampa] wrote:I'm still working on something that will boost the performance about +5fps.
The terminals are near negligible in my tests & are optimized already.

It maybe worth mentioning Aerosofts Boston City improves performance over the Microsoft stock city.
I picked up 5-7 fps by installing Aerosofts Boston City. I have an 4770K turbo 4.2 ghz. GTX 960 with 4gbs VRAM. With the PMDG 737, Active Sky, ASCA and Orbx Vector plus NA LC. I am getting 25-30 FPS at the gate and in the air.

The additional plus to Aerosofts Boston City is that it is very detailed and accurate plus you get some great Hospital helipads. The minus is no seasons and no night lights from the custom buildings. It truly is not that noticeable on approach. See George's compatibility notes. You do have to disable some Aerosoft files. If you have Orbx freeware Na airports you also need to disable the Orbx files for KBVY and KOWD.

Posts: 5

Re: Performance

Post by dnj5535 » Sun Mar 04, 2018 11:40 am

George you are absolutely correct. I just bought and installed boston city X and its smooth! no fps drop whatsoever. the default downtown was the issue and thank you so much now I can enjoy boston!
Posts: 17

Re: Performance

Post by zsolt.monostori » Mon Mar 05, 2018 8:57 am

I can confirm that something is indeed NOT right with KBOS as the performance is simply awful.

I have been using Prepar3D v4.2 and Windows 10. My rig is quite powerful, I7 6700K 4.6GHz, MSI Geforce GTX 1070 8GB GDDR5, 16GB DDR4 Corsair Vengeance 2666 MHz RAM, 750GB SSD, 1TB HDD.

No FPS issues anywhere - including complex airports such as Flightbeam's KMSP, KSFO, KIAD, or FSDT's CYVR, KCLT, KMEM, KSDF, KJFK, KIAH, T2G's KSEA, LFPG, EDDM and many others, the list is quite extensive. Long story short, when something, alone, among the many, underperforms, it is logical to suspect THAT ONE is the one to blame.

With the FSLabs A320 parked at C36 at KBOS, l only get 20-22 FPS which is very, very low. My P3D is not maxed out. I do have relatively high settings but for a good reason: no issues anywhere - apart from KBOS.

Fingers crossed the aforementioned FPS boost will help gain at least 5-8 FPS - I am not really used to the below thirty range.
Posts: 18

Re: Performance

Post by sky_king » Mon Mar 05, 2018 10:45 am

How do you disable the stock Boston scenery (I have the USCIties version of Boston)?


Posts: 191

Re: Performance

Post by Benncpp15 » Mon Mar 05, 2018 11:21 am

zsolt.monostori wrote:I can confirm that something is indeed NOT right with KBOS as the performance is simply awful.

I have been using Prepar3D v4.2 and Windows 10. My rig is quite powerful, I7 6700K 4.6GHz, MSI Geforce GTX 1070 8GB GDDR5, 16GB DDR4 Corsair Vengeance 2666 MHz RAM, 750GB SSD, 1TB HDD.

No FPS issues anywhere - including complex airports such as Flightbeam's KMSP, KSFO, KIAD, or FSDT's CYVR, KCLT, KMEM, KSDF, KJFK, KIAH, T2G's KSEA, LFPG, EDDM and many others, the list is quite extensive. Long story short, when something, alone, among the many, underperforms, it is logical to suspect THAT ONE is the one to blame.

With the FSLabs A320 parked at C36 at KBOS, l only get 20-22 FPS which is very, very low. My P3D is not maxed out. I do have relatively high settings but for a good reason: no issues anywhere - apart from KBOS.

Fingers crossed the aforementioned FPS boost will help gain at least 5-8 FPS - I am not really used to the below thirty range.
Over 30 FPS in a FlightLabs A320 at JFK??? On a 6700K? You be full of shit sir.
No need to exagerate & be so angry. They can't fix you shitty setup.
Posts: 9

Re: Performance

Post by gregmorin » Mon Mar 05, 2018 1:45 pm

sky_king wrote:How do you disable the stock Boston scenery (I have the USCIties version of Boston)?


If you have the P3DV4 version of Aerosoft's US Cities Boston; just run the installer and it will take care of the stock Boston. Remember to do the compatibility changes in George's pinned post. US Cities Boston does not recognize the new KBOS.

Posts: 14

Re: Performance

Post by shuband » Mon Mar 05, 2018 10:55 pm

I bought and installed Boston City X from Aerosoft and my FPS problem with FlyTampa KBOS is cured. I went from low teens/single digits FPS to 30+, which produces reasonably smooth game play. What a bizarre fix that would have never occurred to me, but whatever. It worked.
Posts: 5

Re: Performance

Post by 777-Pilot » Tue Mar 06, 2018 5:00 pm

Interesting to hear that Aerosofts Boston City seems to improve the performance. I do not have a good performance at KBOS either (I do have a worse system then most of you though - so I am not complaining :wink: ), but if US Cities Boston is confirmed to improve performance I might get it.

Or is there any chance you can find the reason for bad performance in the default scenery, George?

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