
Posts: 8


Post by Mejjo » Sat Feb 24, 2018 3:58 pm

Hi there,
My performance seems to drop quite a bit when the terminals are in view. Is this normal and is there anyway to improve that?

I'm running GTX 1080 & I7700k at 4.8 ghz
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Re: Performance

Post by martin[flytampa] » Sat Feb 24, 2018 4:14 pm

Whats the overall fps figures and how much does it drop? We know that the 3D people on the aprons which are Off by default can have quite a hit.
Posts: 8

Re: Performance

Post by Mejjo » Sat Feb 24, 2018 4:18 pm

When looking away from the terminal area my FPS is around 67 and when viewing terminals drops to 42 and becomes stuttery.

Might be worth mentioning also that there seems to be a flickering texture at the start of Runway 15R.
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Posts: 3867

Re: Performance

Post by george[flytampa] » Sat Feb 24, 2018 5:41 pm

The default scenery is quite slow too. Your figures don't look too bad to me for a dense city airport.

I don't see any flicker at 15R. Check for duplicate AFCADs.
Posts: 23

Re: Performance

Post by portanav » Thu Mar 01, 2018 3:44 am

Same for me, but I use a GTX680. My FPS is 30, but when viewing any of the terminals it drops to 11; and that is with nearly everything switched off in config. I found that panning the external view around 360 degrees a few times will bring back the FPS to 30, but after a while it will go back to 11.

It's beautiful scenery, but I'm not pleased at all with the performance.

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Posts: 3867

Re: Performance

Post by george[flytampa] » Thu Mar 01, 2018 3:54 am

portanav wrote:Same for me, but I use a GTX680. My FPS is 30, but when viewing any of the terminals it drops to 11; and that is with nearly everything switched off in config. I found that panning the external view around 360 degrees a few times will bring back the FPS to 30, but after a while it will go back to 11.

It's beautiful scenery, but I'm not pleased at all with the performance.

The GTX680 is your problem. That's a old card from 2012. Running a PMDG as well?
Always our fault. Sigh

Check out the Prepar Settings. Turn off water reflections. Turn down Shadow quality & AI traffic.
Posts: 3

Re: Performance

Post by SecondTheory » Thu Mar 01, 2018 11:14 am

george[flytampa] wrote:Always our fault. Sigh
I can sympathise with that. :D

Unfortunately I do experience something similar specifically when the terminals are in view (which I guess is not surprising since that's where the majority of the modelling and detail is).

For comparison default F22, parked at the end of 04L,
• i7 4790K at 4.6GHz, • GTX 1070, • 16GB RAM,
• water detail: medium, • cloud reflections: on,
• autogen: high/dense/dense (2-3 notches below max), • shadow quality: low

Default scenery: (worst case - best case)
Looking right (terminal out of view): 60-70fps
Looking towards the terminals/city: approx 50-56fps

Boston-Rebooted: almost all options turned off
Looking right (terminal out of view): 60fps
Looking towards the terminals/city: ~30-33fps

In the configurator everything is off except "Rain/Wetness", "Taxiway edge lights" and "Animated windsocks".

Boston-Rebooted: with everything on (except animated people):
Looking right (terminal out of view): 55-60fps
Looking towards the terminals/city: ~30-32fps

Note that turning everything on had almost no effect on the frame rate when looking towards the terminal. I expect you must think me a liar, but I swear that was true. :shock: Turning everything on cost maybe 1-2fps, even in the summer with grass enabled

I saw as low as 14fps in the FSLabs Airbus turning in towards gate C9. Obviously that's a very frame-rate heavy plane, but I find I get much better elsewhere.

Some other locations in the FSLabs A320, "On GPU" state:
(cut a couple of FPS off these numbers for takeoff and landing)

FB KSFO, Orbx Northern California, end of 28R: 30-40fps (terminal interiors on)
FB KMSP, end of 12R: 30-36fps (terminal interiors on)
FT CYYZ, end of 06L: 28-32fps (terminal interiors off)
FT KTPA, end of 01L: 32-40fps
FT EHAM, end of 09 panned towards terminal: 35-42fps (!)
FSDT KLAX, end of 25R: 31-38fps
IS KATL, end of 27R: 32-38fps
AS EGLL, end of 09R: 31-35fps
FT KBOS, end of 04L panned towards terminal: 19-25fps

An option to remove the terminal interiors might help, although I've no idea how much work that takes or how much impact they really have.
Posts: 5

Re: Performance

Post by dnj5535 » Thu Mar 01, 2018 11:52 am

I second that as well. I turned off everything as well. no animations not even dynamic lighting no cloud shadows or water reflections...and it gets horrible FPS when lookin towards terminals. B32 and B36 where the test gates and no change whatsoever. anytime I pan around close to the terminal I get 22 fps to 19. not to sure how well KBOS is optimized like the other sceneries in flytampa but I get the smoothest performance on all the other sceneries from flytampa...and this definately has a huge hit on my pc as well. even more than NYC and i get nothing lower than 31 FPS.

i7700k OC 4.8GHZ
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Posts: 3867

Re: Performance

Post by george[flytampa] » Thu Mar 01, 2018 12:16 pm

SecondTheory wrote:
george[flytampa] wrote:Always our fault. Sigh

An option to remove the terminal interiors might help, although I've no idea how much work that takes or how much impact they really have.
The interiors don't make any difference. In fact, if you want, remove ALL the terminals models plus All the Static terminal Vehicles, crates, junk etc.

Copy all the BGL files starting with name Terminal*.* to a tempory folder. Run the scenery again & you should just see shadows where the terminals once stood.

I just tried it here & it didn't affect the FPS even a tiny bit. The terminals are optimized far beyond what I bothered to do on past airports.

One more thing. Toronto should be quite a bit slower than Boston. At least 8-10 FPS slower. So check you don't have something else running. Old Boston sceneries, duplicates etc.

I#m getting 45fps just slewing around with AI & Boston city, I think that's pretty good considering the location. Better than my last airport, Sydney. I'll take a look & see if there's something else dragging it down.
Posts: 5

Re: Performance

Post by dnj5535 » Thu Mar 01, 2018 2:31 pm

George these last 24 hours I been tweaking around with it and I just uninstalled it to reinstall to see if there is any difference. and for me like I said the issue I'm having is the terminal like ex. b36 Medium gate. if I pan around captain side and look left its smooth as butter the second I pan to the first officer side towards the buildings it just rapidly drops to 24 fps. not sure if its the building texture but it definitely still hits no matter what I turn off. BTW the ramp employees only gave me a 1 fps drop. I think I'm getting more FPS loss with the terminal buildings itself than I am with the ramp employees.
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Posts: 3867

Re: Performance

Post by george[flytampa] » Thu Mar 01, 2018 2:35 pm

dnj5535 wrote:George these last 24 hours I been tweaking around with it and I just uninstalled it to reinstall to see if there is any difference. and for me like I said the issue I'm having is the terminal like ex. b36 Medium gate. if I pan around captain side and look left its smooth as butter the second I pan to the first officer side towards the buildings it just rapidly drops to 24 fps. not sure if its the building texture but it definitely still hits no matter what I turn off. BTW the ramp employees only gave me a 1 fps drop. I think I'm getting more FPS loss with the terminal buildings itself than I am with the ramp employees.
You have a better CPU than me, same GFX card. Remove the terminals entirely to see if they really make a difference. They don't cause a 1fps difference here, on or off. More likely, the hit is coming for that BOS skyline & coastline. Or ai planes.
Posts: 3

Re: Performance

Post by SecondTheory » Thu Mar 01, 2018 3:03 pm

dnj5535 wrote:if I pan around captain side and look left its smooth as butter the second I pan to the first officer side towards the buildings it just rapidly drops to 24 fps
This is exactly how I'd describe it. Super-smooth when looking east across the airport, and a 50% drop in FPS when looking towards the buildings. This happens even if I position the camera (with Chaseplane) so that the city skyline is not visible.
george[flytampa] wrote:
dnj5535 wrote:Remove the terminals entirely to see if they really make a difference. They don't cause a 1fps difference here, on or off. More likely, the hit is coming for that BOS skyline & coastline.
I tried this. Varies a little depending on location but I'm seeing maybe 5 fps increase without the terminal buildings with the default F22. It's hard to tell exactly as the built-in FPS counter is so volatile. So it appears that this is not the complete answer.

I can't find any sign of duplicate AFCADs or other sceneries installed.

Seems like as all have much the same card. Could an NVIDIA driver difference be part of it? I'm still on 376.33.
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Posts: 3867

Re: Performance

Post by george[flytampa] » Thu Mar 01, 2018 3:09 pm

Dynamic reflections on maybe? Those hurt me.

AI on? They tend to huddle around that American B terminal. I wish they were more spread out.
Posts: 3

Re: Performance

Post by SecondTheory » Thu Mar 01, 2018 8:19 pm

george[flytampa] wrote:Dynamic reflections on maybe? AI on? [...] Better than my last airport, Sydney.
Both off. As for Sydney, at about 1000ft above the threshold of 16R with both terminals visible I'm getting a pretty consistent 60fps.

Tried the latest NVIDIA drivers just in case, sadly no improvement there either.

One interesting thing I've noted is that with with the camera over the KBOS terminal and scenery complexity at "Sparse", I gain about 10-15fps over complexity at "Normal" (both are pretty low settings; I typically use "Dense"). Unfortunately "Sparse" causes the jetways, the city, and part of the seaport to disappear.
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