Horrible FPS at EHAM

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Posts: 1626

Re: Horrible FPS at EHAM

Post by emilios[flytampa] » Thu Jul 13, 2017 6:30 pm

P3Dv4 should be normally a bit faster than P3Dv3, and in both sims (in FSX even) AMS runs very smoothly; faster than Copenhagen for example.

cant think of any other explanation than v4 display settings; if those are kept 'similar' across versions, you should not see much difference, especially not on the lower side of FPS
Posts: 19

Re: Horrible FPS at EHAM

Post by gianluk81 » Fri Jul 14, 2017 2:47 am

In my case i have similar settings but i have orrible fps in v4, repeat, when loocking the city, i other area fps it's good and similar to v3. In v3 don't have any problem when loocking the city...and if reduce autogen buildings to Normal (instead "Dense", in v3 have "Dense") i have +5fps ca., but remain low fps in general. If possible mantain EHAM airport without any custom buildings or autogen for the city?
Posts: 3

Re: Horrible FPS at EHAM

Post by humpix » Fri Jul 14, 2017 8:12 am

Same here, meanwhile I tryed tons of combinations of settings and addons. The city is the bottleneck.
Is there a way to patch out the city by disable some blg´s? (or something like that?)
Posts: 19

Re: Horrible FPS at EHAM

Post by gianluk81 » Sat Jul 15, 2017 4:18 am

...yes...good question...it's possible disable city?
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Posts: 1626

Re: Horrible FPS at EHAM

Post by emilios[flytampa] » Sat Jul 15, 2017 6:14 am

you can disable this file: amsterdam_city.bgl <--- rename to amsterdam_city.off
in: \P3D\flytampa\amsterdam\scenery\
Posts: 21

Re: Horrible FPS at EHAM

Post by AaronMyers » Sun Jul 23, 2017 9:29 pm

I haven't tested renaming the city yet, but I did want to bring up that I too am seeing really tough performance. I landed on runway 34 with 10-12 fps which was a real struggle to enjoy. I'm running quite a bit of payware, including things like DD New York city with FSDT JFK, and I'm getting 20-25 fps there. Seems like it should be the other way around.
Posts: 21

Re: Horrible FPS at EHAM

Post by Maikel » Mon Jul 24, 2017 7:52 pm

Interesting read, but I also have some problems regarding performance at FT Schiphol but I'm not 100% convinced it has something to do with the Fly Tampa scenery. There are a lot of topic on the AVSIM forum, P3D forum and even Nvidia forums (low fps/stutters on other games). Regarding V4, users are reporting problems with the sim running at high settings and with GPU's like GTX1080, Titan's and whatnot. I'm running a GTX1080 and a I7 4770K at 4.0ghz and I have microstutters as well. I know some friends with V4 also do and adjusting HT, inserting AM in cfg, reinstalling the sim, adjusting P3D settings doesn't help (expect really low settings). When I read the forum topics on the fora mentioned above I see that this is an issue that quite a few simmers suffer with and I hope it will be fixed soon.

Regarding the low fps simmers experience using FT Schiphol. I do see a frame drop when I look towards the city but it's not only Schiphol. Yesterday I flew towards Taxi2Gate CDG and that city autogen is also very heavy on fps. So I do not think it has something to do with FT Schiphol but just the autogen building in general.

Posts: 21

Re: Horrible FPS at EHAM

Post by AaronMyers » Wed Jul 26, 2017 12:12 am

That's not the case for me personally. I have quite good performance at many other sceneries and my issues are definitely uniques to EHAM.a reviewer mentioned having very bad performance initially as well and he reinstalled the sceneries and for whatever reason it was better. I may give that a try.

The scenery design is lovely, no doubt about that, but the performance is not what I expected with FlyTampa.
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Posts: 1626

Re: Horrible FPS at EHAM

Post by emilios[flytampa] » Wed Jul 26, 2017 8:09 am

i am sorry I have nothing to offer here yet-with the new p3dv4, settings might need more tweaking but otherwise, there is no reason to believe that suddenly it became a bad performer without any additional data in it. when testing AMS performance (FPS), it comes above CPH, even close to smaller add-ons (ie Corfu)
Posts: 2

Re: Horrible FPS at EHAM

Post by remcosol » Thu Jul 27, 2017 5:49 pm

Hello everyone.

I had the same thing.
What works for me is to make sure the library is on top , then the amsterdam scenenery and then the amsterdam lc. In that order!!!

The only issue i am having is that my papi's are missing.(nothing to do with the order of scenery)

Best regards,
Posts: 2

Re: Horrible FPS at EHAM

Post by remcosol » Thu Jul 27, 2017 5:51 pm

I have found the solution to that!

Best regards,
Posts: 19

Re: Horrible FPS at EHAM

Post by gianluk81 » Sat Aug 05, 2017 9:53 am

mmm...confirm...If flytampa libraries are up to EHAM apt and LC, the performance are better! Why?
Posts: 19

Re: Horrible FPS at EHAM

Post by gianluk81 » Sat Aug 05, 2017 9:54 am

remcosol wrote:I have found the solution to that!

Best regards,
and how?
Posts: 1

Re: Horrible FPS at EHAM

Post by Contrast » Sun Oct 15, 2017 3:47 pm

Hi Guys,

I don't really have much to add here but a bump to the thread might help.

I've just moved over to V4 this week and like a few others on here am noticing a huge change in frames at EHAM. Which is weird because in V3 is was definitely one of my best performing airports. I've tweaked every setting imaginable and still can't seem to get it to improve.

These are my average FPS with the PMDG 747:

Default (Orbx Global & Vector): 50 - 60FPS
Orbx Cardiff: 30 - 40FPS
FT St Maarten: 30FPS
FT Tampa: 25 - 35FPS

FT Schipol: Have yet been able to see more than 16FPS

I have also tried different weather, time of day etc. Even turning dynamic lighting on and off is having no effect on the FPS at EHAM.

I hope you guys can troubleshoot the problem soon as at the moment my favourite scenery is pretty much un-flyable.
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