I agree 100%. One of the instructors at my airline always says the fastest way to do something is to do it right the first time. I'd rather have a stable sim with default scenery instead of one that crashes all the time with addon scenery. I've only installed CYYZ and EHAM so far in v4 and the performance is excellent with all of the settings turned on in the FT configurator. I'm guessing you guys knew a 64-bit platform was coming for a while now.martin[flytampa] wrote: The recompilation of the Installer for V4 is the simplest thing to do, its often just a matter of adding a single line of code so it reads the V4 registry key (Setup-Path). Just having a recompiled Installer that "seems" V4 aware, does not tell you anything about the actual Addon content having been updated or not. Based on the speed some of these are getting released, I assume that they contain mostly specific file-patches (like we have) but in a recompiled installer. There are of course exceptions like Flightbeam's latest using new V4 features properly etc.
The reason I haven't just recompiled our Installers is because I will only do that once i'm confident that most V4 issues are fixed. The current ZIP patches work, but there are still issues being reported here and there, which we are looking into. I don't want to have to re-issue 2 or 3 versions of the main v4 installers later on, its easier to just use the small ZIP patches for now.
P3D V4 code/SDK
Re: P3D V4 code/SDK
Re: P3D V4 code/SDK
This is great to hear that the industry can hopefully, and finally, move forward with a modern platform and really start to create content that looks and behaves like gaming software from 2017 and beyond. This can only happen by breaking ties with FSX baggage that is from over a decade old. I would love to see what FlyTampa can do in scenery creation in the next two years and into a v5 platform. This shift to modern tech should make a profound difference in our flight simulation experience. I have never purchased a FlyTampa product, but in hearing Martin, I will be very encouraged to purchase v4-exclusive products as I have the belief that FlyTampa will knock it out of the park with modern v4-exclusive content.martin[flytampa] wrote:Bakern wrote:Thanks for info. Sooner rather than later.Thanks for the positive feedback on that. We expect the transition to V4-only Addons with FSX support being dropped to happen a lot quicker then it did with the FS2004->FSX transition where FS2004 versions remained viable for years along with a loud FS2004 userbase demanding them.shiwaz wrote:Great response Martin, it makes perfect sense! And i love that you're dedicated to utilizing new tech by disposing the old.
This time the transition will be "harder" and more abrupt, and in fact several high-quality developers have been communicating behind the scenes on exactly this topic, which boils down to how quickly they are willing to drop FSX support in favor of V4-only releases. Without naming anyone I can say that what came out of these talks is good news for V4 and bad news for FSX.
Re: P3D V4 code/SDK
Lets hope. Because there is a way. Like everyone can test himself with LatinVFR Barcelona. I dont know if this is such a case of a "pure" v4 sdk version, but whatever magic they did, it worked. Basically, what PMDG in the post about not optimized sceneries said there come true to 100%.
As most ppl know by now, on most current v4 airports one basically cannot use dynamic lighting even with the most modern systems. On my 1060 the fps jump from a steady 70 fps to a measy 10-14 fps as soon dyn lights from the airports are activated. This happens on every of the 7 airports i have that are currently for v4.
Even if you have an airport without dynmic lighting, i mean an unsupported one, turning lights on the 747 can reduce fps by quite a bit for many people. Now, go try all that in the LatinVFR Barcelona....For someone not knowing the scenery, it includes big parts of the citiy too and has one of the most detailed airports currently on the market. Pretty big scenery.
On this airport you wont loose one single fps from dynamic lights. Middles on the gate, with all lights on 747 turned on doesnt decerase by even a single fps. Overall, the whole scenery has zero to no microstutters. I locked my fps on 30 and everywhere i fly in the v4 yet, until here, the fps jump from 22 to the 30 in the cokcpit of 747.
Just not here.... It stays at 29.9 fps for every minute, every camera turn, every cameraangle and every weather. Ive never seen anything like it since i have v4. No, im not one of the latinvfr guys, im a customer who wants hassle free experience.
Really, i dont want to derate FlyTampa or other devs, im a dev myself and i understand the problem very well, coming from Android where google releases new SDKS in a monthly fashion. But sometime we should go the hard way to make the customers happy. Not saying you dont, as you (Martin) said the time will come.
But it looks as the PMDG post has a big truth in it, so saying its just gosple, i dont know. Like said, everyone can test himself in Barcelona. And i dont even know if this is sucha sdk4 example. But there seem to be a way to do major optimizations. This is a lot more than (guessed) 10% gain. Its nearly unbelievable.
Btw, i have a medium range system. i5 7400 and a 1060 with 16GB Ram.
As most ppl know by now, on most current v4 airports one basically cannot use dynamic lighting even with the most modern systems. On my 1060 the fps jump from a steady 70 fps to a measy 10-14 fps as soon dyn lights from the airports are activated. This happens on every of the 7 airports i have that are currently for v4.
Even if you have an airport without dynmic lighting, i mean an unsupported one, turning lights on the 747 can reduce fps by quite a bit for many people. Now, go try all that in the LatinVFR Barcelona....For someone not knowing the scenery, it includes big parts of the citiy too and has one of the most detailed airports currently on the market. Pretty big scenery.
On this airport you wont loose one single fps from dynamic lights. Middles on the gate, with all lights on 747 turned on doesnt decerase by even a single fps. Overall, the whole scenery has zero to no microstutters. I locked my fps on 30 and everywhere i fly in the v4 yet, until here, the fps jump from 22 to the 30 in the cokcpit of 747.
Just not here.... It stays at 29.9 fps for every minute, every camera turn, every cameraangle and every weather. Ive never seen anything like it since i have v4. No, im not one of the latinvfr guys, im a customer who wants hassle free experience.
Really, i dont want to derate FlyTampa or other devs, im a dev myself and i understand the problem very well, coming from Android where google releases new SDKS in a monthly fashion. But sometime we should go the hard way to make the customers happy. Not saying you dont, as you (Martin) said the time will come.
But it looks as the PMDG post has a big truth in it, so saying its just gosple, i dont know. Like said, everyone can test himself in Barcelona. And i dont even know if this is sucha sdk4 example. But there seem to be a way to do major optimizations. This is a lot more than (guessed) 10% gain. Its nearly unbelievable.
Btw, i have a medium range system. i5 7400 and a 1060 with 16GB Ram.
Re: P3D V4 code/SDK
The airport and how it's being made doesn't have anything to do with the drop of performances caused by dynamic lights, as you can see in this test I've made with 3 of our sceneries, one using the native P3D SDK, the other using the FSX SDK and the 3rd using the FS8 SDK, the hit caused by landing lights is almost none, and it's always the same on all 3 sceneries.As most ppl know by now, on most current v4 airports one basically cannot use dynamic lighting even with the most modern systems. On my 1060 the fps jump from a steady 70 fps to a measy 10-14 fps as soon dyn lights from the airports are activated. This happens on every of the 7 airports i have that are currently for v4.
What causes a big fps loss with dynamic lights is the Antialiasing mode and the screen resolution, see here:
http://www.fsdreamteam.com/forum/index. ... #msg114745
Re: P3D V4 code/SDK
This makes good sense. Thanks for taking the time to clarify and guide us.martin[flytampa] wrote:
The reason I haven't just recompiled our Installers is because I will only do that once i'm confident that most V4 issues are fixed. The current ZIP patches work, but there are still issues being reported here and there, which we are looking into. I don't want to have to re-issue 2 or 3 versions of the main v4 installers later on, its easier to just use the small ZIP patches for now.
Kind regards,
Re: P3D V4 code/SDK
... like i said, i dont know what exactly is the reason that some work and others not. I only guessed. THis all is not really easy to troubleshoot as a non-.net dev. One can only compare and try to use wisdom of other areas and try to make connections (android development for example in my case)
Anyway i never said that FlyTampa airports are the issues, since they dont have dynlights. The problems i talk about are not fps drops of 2 or 3 fps. The airports that talk about, like JustSim ELLX v4 version as one example, cause massive drops, from usually over 50 fps down to 6 or 7 fps as soon as the time starts where the lights get activated. I mean the airport lights.
And there is a way to fix this problem but it seems that devs are rather produce new airports as to fix this problem in the old ones. And this is what makes me angry.
And it is to fix, as one can clearly see on airports that got released in the first week of v4 and got a fix later on (sometimes even stealthfixes...) and suddenly it doesnt drop fps anymore. Now the airports rise daily where this works. Even on aerosoft airports. So clearly there is a way to overcome this problems. Many many prove it every day now. DigitalDesign EDDP got a fix too and is just awesome. You can turn as many dyn lights of the 747 on as you want and can stand in the middle of the apron where all hits you and nothing happens. No loss at all.
After so many ppl tested it now the conclusion is that its based on the GPU load. if someone has 40% gpu load and hits one of the problem airports, but has a system that even with the problematic airport only rises to 85% then he wont see a big loss, yes. But if someone is already at 70 or 80% then he will suffer major losses. And on some airports this is caused soley by the dyn lights. I think i dont have to tell you guys that, you are the devs here.
Basically its not even a problem for this forum since im not aware of any flytampa airport with dynamic lights.
Anyway i never said that FlyTampa airports are the issues, since they dont have dynlights. The problems i talk about are not fps drops of 2 or 3 fps. The airports that talk about, like JustSim ELLX v4 version as one example, cause massive drops, from usually over 50 fps down to 6 or 7 fps as soon as the time starts where the lights get activated. I mean the airport lights.
And there is a way to fix this problem but it seems that devs are rather produce new airports as to fix this problem in the old ones. And this is what makes me angry.
And it is to fix, as one can clearly see on airports that got released in the first week of v4 and got a fix later on (sometimes even stealthfixes...) and suddenly it doesnt drop fps anymore. Now the airports rise daily where this works. Even on aerosoft airports. So clearly there is a way to overcome this problems. Many many prove it every day now. DigitalDesign EDDP got a fix too and is just awesome. You can turn as many dyn lights of the 747 on as you want and can stand in the middle of the apron where all hits you and nothing happens. No loss at all.
After so many ppl tested it now the conclusion is that its based on the GPU load. if someone has 40% gpu load and hits one of the problem airports, but has a system that even with the problematic airport only rises to 85% then he wont see a big loss, yes. But if someone is already at 70 or 80% then he will suffer major losses. And on some airports this is caused soley by the dyn lights. I think i dont have to tell you guys that, you are the devs here.
Basically its not even a problem for this forum since im not aware of any flytampa airport with dynamic lights.