- Posts: 14
by hornetville » Tue May 30, 2017 3:38 pm
Hi Guys,
The signs to guide you into a parking spot have stop at the top is upside down

at all airports for Fly Tampa

I have done the Prepar3d v4 update as well and followed what to do


- 2017-5-30_21-37-16-539.png (2.86 MiB) Viewed 21494 times
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- Posts: 5288
by martin[flytampa] » Mon Jun 05, 2017 8:40 am
EDIT: I removed this patch because the issue is a Prepar3D bug that will be fixed in a patch. It is recommended that you reinstall the FTlibraries (from downloads page). This will reverse the textures again until the Prepar3D patch fixes it.
I have these upside down effect issues myself, but not everyone does and I cannot figure out why it only happens on some systems. Below is a patch for this, but be aware that if your signs are not upside down and this patch gets installed, the signs will be upside down afterwards.
Extract the ZIP into /Prepar3D/Effects/
- Posts: 14
by hornetville » Mon Jun 05, 2017 9:00 am
Hi Martin,
Thanks for this and how strange some systems have this issue and others dont, appreciate Fly Tampas great work

- Posts: 2
by bartekl » Wed Jun 07, 2017 11:22 am
it seems for me that I do not have them at all at EHAM and OMDB. At least at those two I've checked already. Should I use the patch you gave above as well?
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- Posts: 5288
by martin[flytampa] » Wed Jun 07, 2017 12:31 pm
bartekl wrote:Hi,
it seems for me that I do not have them at all at EHAM and OMDB. At least at those two I've checked already. Should I use the patch you gave above as well?
If you don't have any Safegates, check that the FlyTampa-Libraries are listed in your scenery library. If not add them, normaly in Prepar3D/FlyTampa/Libraries/
- Posts: 2
by bartekl » Wed Jun 07, 2017 4:26 pm
Hi Martin,
thanks for your reply. Yes, I do have the FlyTampa-Libraries installed and added to scenery library above all FlyTampa airports. I do have this issue at LOWW EKCH and OMDB. I do not have this issue with LGAV, CYYZ (i changed to type 1A), EHAM (OK with type A).
OMDB - SG type B
LOWW - sg type B
EKCH - no choice possible
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- Posts: 5288
by martin[flytampa] » Wed Jun 07, 2017 9:15 pm
I'm a bit confused following this.
Type A is always loaded from FT-Libraries and is also the one with the possible upside-down textures pointed out by the OP.
Type B is independent of the FT-Libraries, and is based on an older "AES-Lite" Safegate implementation.
Scenery Complexity slider can make either A or B show or not show (not nescessarely at the same Slider level), and the absence of the Libraries can make type B not show. No other reasons for them to not show are known to me.
- Posts: 1
by Patrick1246 » Sat Jun 10, 2017 4:35 am
Hi Martin
I guess Type B isn't available for V4? I have tried both in OMDB, but no Safedock ist displayed.
- Posts: 19
by GotLost1 » Sat Jun 10, 2017 8:06 am
I've gate signes in EHAM but they are only showing the arrow to come in. Then stop. No guide to go left or right?
In OMDB I have the hold-posts but no signes at all.
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- Posts: 5288
by martin[flytampa] » Sat Jun 10, 2017 8:42 am
Type A don't have left/right indicators, also not in FSX because they are based on simpler tech using Effects.
Type B uses older AES-Lite code that did more advanced things but is no longer compatible with Prepar3D. Since the current version of Dubai only has the B option there aren't any at Dubai.
- Posts: 19
by GotLost1 » Sat Jun 10, 2017 7:26 pm
There is a possibility with GSX but the problem is you cannot change the height of the signes so they are in the air.
Could you change the height of the posts to be able to install GSX signes?

- Posts: 23
by jgoggi » Mon Jun 12, 2017 11:32 am
The height of the signs CAN be changed, Q to increase altitude, Z to decrease.