New KBOS status

Posts: 72

Re: New KBOS status

Post by keino333 » Tue Mar 07, 2017 2:50 pm

GotLost1 wrote:
alexmish wrote:The anticipation is killing me... A must have airport!

Any idea whether it will be compatible with US Cities X Boston ?
I never will understand questions like this.
As this addon is not touching the airport, why shouldn't FlyTampa Boston support the city addon? :)
I'm surprised that this is even a conversation. Initially I would have pegged US Cities as something great...but it doesn't even have winter textures. I'd rather wait on FT Boston to perhaps encompass the city as they did with Copenhagen. That way you get full seasonal splendor.
Posts: 21

Re: New KBOS status

Post by donpilot » Thu Mar 23, 2017 7:50 am

Was secretly hoping for KBOS in time for Cross the Pond.... Now I'm secretly hoping for KBOS to be released at FlightSimCon!

One question, there is rumored to be a 64 bit P3D in the works. Will that effect all the various sceneries out there, FT (and FT KBOS) included?
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Posts: 3867

Re: New KBOS status

Post by george[flytampa] » Fri Mar 24, 2017 8:53 pm

donpilot wrote:Was secretly hoping for KBOS in time for Cross the Pond.... Now I'm secretly hoping for KBOS to be released at FlightSimCon!

One question, there is rumored to be a 64 bit P3D in the works. Will that effect all the various sceneries out there, FT (and FT KBOS) included?
Not allowed to say anything about that new sim yet, but KBOS V4 is currently only being developed for P3D.
Posts: 21

Re: New KBOS status

Post by donpilot » Sat May 13, 2017 7:22 am

George, I think I'm reading into your words correctly, but just want to make sure.... Does that mean that there is no development of Boston v4 planned at all for FSX? That would be a bummer, because my FSX works perfectly fine for me. I can certainly understand if P3D is the current priority, but I'm hoping that there will be a follow on development for FSX. Can you clarify? Many thanks.
Posts: 393

Re: New KBOS status

Post by B777ER » Sat May 13, 2017 9:36 am

George, I remember you saying that you were holding off new screen shots until after AMS was released. Is BOS next up for release from the FT group?
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Posts: 3867

Re: New KBOS status

Post by george[flytampa] » Sat May 13, 2017 9:04 pm

There is an FSX version planned. Its just a separate pipline.

The newer P3D SDKs now allows us to layer ground work in a more efficient way & it isn't compatible with FSX.
The FSX version is still possible using the older ground methods but its worth switching to P3D because everything will look & run better. The future of P3D looks even brighter ;)

Hey Eric, long time. I'm not sure on Emil's time frame for Vegas.
Martin works out of Groom Lake these days, so I can't say.

Boston V4, as i'm calling it for now, should be out this year.
Posts: 21

Re: New KBOS status

Post by donpilot » Tue May 23, 2017 10:32 pm

Thanks, George, appreciate the clarification. And yes, May 30th is definitely this year! Phenomenal news! Awesome!

Although v4 *may* encourage me to take the leap to P3D, I'm actually probably going to hold off until after P3D 64 bit comes out. Assume with the announcement of "64 bit architecture, v4 will be compatible with P3D 64 bit (or is it too soon to tell)?

Will you be at FlightSimCon? If so, look forward to meeting you!

All the best!
Posts: 6

Re: New KBOS status

Post by jaxondawg » Thu Jul 13, 2017 8:54 pm

donpilot wrote:Thanks, George, appreciate the clarification. And yes, May 30th is definitely this year! Phenomenal news! Awesome!

Although v4 *may* encourage me to take the leap to P3D, I'm actually probably going to hold off until after P3D 64 bit comes out. Assume with the announcement of "64 bit architecture, v4 will be compatible with P3D 64 bit (or is it too soon to tell)?

Will you be at FlightSimCon? If so, look forward to meeting you!

All the best!
hey so me im not looking to take the leap to p3d mainly because some of my addons are not transferable. well actually thats exactly why. so basically my question is will this be released for fsx/fsx:se. if not will there be an update for fsx users?
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Posts: 3867

Re: New KBOS status

Post by george[flytampa] » Fri Jul 14, 2017 8:10 am

I'm only planning a Prepar V4 version.

FSX old timers can use the old Boston :P
Posts: 6

Re: New KBOS status

Post by jaxondawg » Sat Jul 15, 2017 12:25 pm

george[flytampa] wrote:I'm only planning a Prepar V4 version. P3D V3.3 works as well.

FSX old timers can use the old Boston :P
Okay will see if I can get a more modern video of the version just cause the old one is very low quality
Posts: 15

Re: New KBOS status

Post by Vsfan1 » Sat Jul 22, 2017 8:48 pm

Forgive me for sounding silly and maybe sort of stating obvious but does that mean the new BOS will not be available for V3 only V4 and I'm assuming that will be the case for LAS and other future sceneries.

How long until release? Is it likely to be immenent with the Boston tea party event around the corner looks like a fantastic opportunity to tie in with a new release?? Really looking forward to it and hoping to have made change to V4 soon just waiting for all add ins to become compatible.